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Conference Announcement 2019

Flyer for the 2019 FEEFHS conference

FEEFHS is currently in the process to organize the 2019 conference on East European genealogy. The dates are already set in stone. As every year since 2010 the conference will be held at the Plaza hotel in Salt Lake City. The 2019 dates are August 5th and 6th for the pre-conference and 7th to the 9th for the main conference

The current plan is to offer again four different tracks for the pre-conference. The focus for the main conference will be on research in Austria and it's former territories. Poland and Russia will be also covered as well as Jewish and DNA research. As soon as the schedule stands, you will find the information on the FEEFHS website.

Free one-on-one consultations will be also offered. Also, you will have plenty of time to research in the famous Family History Library right next door to the Plaza hotel.

FEEFHS members hope to greet you in August 2019 in Salt Lake City. You will not regret your visit.