Germans from Russia Resources
Genealogy Links
Odessa German-Russian Collection
Germans from Russia Heritage Collection
Searchable information on Germans from all parts of Russia
East European Emigration and the EWZ

From the 2001 FEEFHS Journal
Norka Colony Poll Tax Census 1834
Harbin Lutheran Refugees
German-Russian Holdings - Odessa State University
Wandering Volhynians (defunct newsletter)
Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland
Heimatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien
Book: The German Colonies in Volhynia
Conversations with the Elders
Family Histories of Survivors of Stalin's Labor Camps
Prieb Family
From Prischib, a former German Colony in the Molochna Area of Ekaterinoslav Gubernia, Russia,
now located in Zaporozhe Oblast, Ukraine.
BLITZ Genealogical Researchers
Societies and Organizations
North Star Chapter of Minnesota
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
Germans from Russia Heritage Society
Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe
Glueckstal Colonies Research Association