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Copyright Notice

FEEFHS Website

FEEFHS is interested in working with anyone interested in creating online finding aids, databases, etc. for any Central or East European records. We also invite professional and amateur genealogists to contribute articles, case studies, lists, links, images, or other information for possible inclusion on this website.

Copyright Policy

All material on this website is fully copyrighted by the originator of the material. For material created by others, FEEFHS or the webmaster retains copyright on the website version of this material only by virtue of adding the HTML tags and coding needed to publish it on the webpage.

FEEFHS retains a non-exclusive copyright on FEEFHS Resource Directory pages it has created for publicizing the services and existence of other organizations, societies and associations.

Respect of Copyright Ownership of Others: It is the intent and an ongoing effort of FEEFHS and the webmaster to fully respect and obey all copyright provisions of US laws on these webpages. By doing so, we also hope to fully respect the copyright laws of other nations worldwide.

In doing so, we ask all submitters of information to this website to copyright their own intellectual property and/or obtain the written consent of other copyright owners when using material copyrighted by others. This applies beyond brief quotations under the "Fair Use" principle. We also encourage all submitters to give full credit to all their significant sources, whatever their copyright status.

On several past occasions, we have refused to post and publish on this website material that appeared to come from the copyrighted work of others (for which no release had been obtained). Should any material appearing here seem to be the copyright work of someone not acknowledged, please immediately contact Joe Everett, FEEFHS Outreach Director, so the situation can be resolved.

General Disclaimer: All material on this destination website has been posted on a good faith basis for the sole purpose of assisting researchers in successfully accomplishing their genealogy and family history objectives. Caution is advised in checking the underlying source material for accuracy before accepting any factual statement made here.

By using any or all material on this volunteer organization website, you agree this information is provided on a “best effort” basis, will all faults and without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and purpose of this website material is with the user.

In no event will the copyright holder be liable for damages, including any general, specific or consequential damages, arising from the use of or inability to use this website and/or any of its files, pages or information.

For general email inquiries or to reach Joe Everett, please contact FEEFHS.
