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Researcher, Lecturer

Dave Obee holds an honorary doctor of laws degree awarded by the University…


Emma graduated with her Bachelor's degree in Family History and Genealogy…

Researcher, Lecturer

Greg Nelson is the Content Strategy specialist for East Europe/Europe at…


Hailey Thompson has a bachelor’s degree in Family History and Genealogy from…

Researcher, Lecturer

Joanne M. Sher is a professional genealogist & historical researcher…

FEEFHS Media contact, Researcher, Lecturer

Joseph B. Everett, MLS, AG is the Family History, Local History, and…

FEEFHS President, Lecturer, Researcher

Milan Pohontsch is a native German and Wend at the same time. He does…


Patty’s long time interests—foreign languages, ancestral cultures, history…

FEEFHS Registrar, Secretary

Family history is Rayanne’s passion! Her particular interest is Eastern…


Sharolyn Swenson began her love of family history…

Immediate Past President of FEEFHS, Senior Foundation Researcher

Thomas K. Edlund is a specialist in East European languages and manuscripts…