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Baltics 1739 Baltics in 1739
Baltics: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:6,100,000 (or one inch equals about 96 miles)
Belarus - White Russia 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:6,100,000 (or one inch equals about 96 miles)
Central and South Russia - East 1908 From Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer, London, 1909, Scale: 1:6,500,000Download the Hi Res Map and view the Gazetteer
Central and South Russia - West 1908 From Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer, London, 1909, Scale: 1:6,500,000Download the Hi Res Map and view the Gazetteer
Courland 1670 Courland in 1670
Courland before 1795 Courland before 1795
Evangelical Lutheran Consistories of European Russia From London Times Gazetteer, circa 19th Century
Lithuania and Poland 1739 Lithuania and Poland in 1739
Poland 1764 Poland in 1764