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FEEFHS - The Name and Focus

Thom Edlund give the keynote address at the 2013 FEEFHS conference

Under the direction of Thom Edlund, the former president of our foundation, FEEFHS changed its name to the Foundation for East European Family History Studies in 2014. Formerly called the Federation of East European Family History Societies, FEEFHS was organized in 1992 as an umbrella organization for many organizations that focused their research efforts on areas of East Europe and Transcaucasia. The Federation provided a Web portal and published a journal distributed to members. As technology evolved and member societies grew, these services became less relevant, and FEEFHS discontinued the journal and membership fees in 2009.

With this change, Edlund has direct the energies of the organization toward indexing and other record discovery projects, expanded the offerings of the FEEFHS Web site as a resource to all East European researchers. As a Foundation, the organization will be able to coordinate and collaborate its efforts with others wishing to participate with or fund such projects. FEEFHS will continue to place a high level of emphasis on providing educational opportunities to researchers.
