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Class Descriptions, Fritz Juengling.

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Fritz Juengling.


Meyer’s Gazetteer Now Online, Indexed and Fully Searchable! 

Learn the history of the project, how to search for places, special search features, how to use the maps, find surrounding parishes and civil registry offices, strategies for searching, and other features.


German Phonetics and Spelling 

We learn how sounds are made, what symbols are used to represent those sounds, and why variant spellings are acceptable. This will give context to the spelling variants that people encounter in their research.


German Dialects and What They Mean for the Researcher

We learn sound changes and how those affect spelling and pronunciation in Modern German dialects. How are Bockholt and Buchholz, for example, related? How can a researcher recognize and how should she deal with dialects?


German Names: their Origins, Meanings, and Peculiarities

Their Origins, Meanings, and Distribution In this lecture, I discuss origin and meanings of given names and the four types surnames, geographic distribution based on dialect characteristics, and introduce an online surnames distribution map.


German Handwriting workshop

Learn how to write the archaic German handwriting.


Latin Handwriting workshop

Learn the peculiarities of the Latin handwriting and its grammar.