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Osturna Descendants Newsletter Information

Osturna Descendants Newsletter of the Slovak/Carpatho-Rusyn Village Association

Founded: 1993

Mailing Address
119 Belvedere Street
Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064-2112

Publication: Quarterly OSTURNA DESCENDANTS eight page newsletter
Co-editor: Mike Smolenyak
(at his Pennsylvania mailing address is above)
FAX: (610) 882-8836
Telephone: (610) 759-2740

Background: Osturna originally was the most western outpost of the Carpathian-Rusyn ethnic region. This village is now in the Republic of Slovakia, on the border with Poland. Carpatho-Rusyns and Slovakian descendants/record searchers are welcome to contact us.

Research Services (members only): Village churchbook transcripts (1781-1900: marriages/deaths) will be searched for members.

Library: A library is now being established. Contributions of books, articles, etc and funds are gratefully acknowledged.

Subscription Rate: US$8.00 per year

Special Notice: All persons with a Slovakian address can request and receive this newsletter gratis!