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FEEFHS Seeks New Treasurer


The Foundation for East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS) is looking for an accountant who would be interested in joining the FEEFHS Executive Board in the role of Treasurer.

As with all the Board member positions, this is volunteer service with expenses reimbursed.

The main tasks are:

  • Filing the necessary US tax documents with the IRS,
  • Maintaining the tax-exempt status by keeping our registration up-to-date,
  • Reconciling accounts.
  • Paying various bills.

As a Board member, you receive free registration to FEEFHS conferences, unlimited access to class recordings, subsidized hotel accommodation during the conference in Salt Lake City and free mid-day lunches for the duration of the conference days.

If this sounds like something you would be willing and qualified to do, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Milan Pohontsch ( and send us a short resume.

Thank you very much for considering this offer.

Best regards, Milan Pohontsch
FEEFHS President