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Past Conference - 2002 Regina

Ramada Hotel and Convention Centre
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Friday 19 July - Sunday 21 July 2002

Presented with the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society, the Bukovina Society of the Americas, the Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe and the East European Genealogical Society.

Ramada Inn, Regina Canada


Using Maps and Gazetteers in Your Research. An overview, covering maps from a large variety of geographic areas. - Dave Obee

Canadian Immigration Records - Patricia Ryan

German Traditions and Genealogy - Marian Wolfert

Mariahilf (Saskatchewan) Remembers Its Roots - Gordon Domm

How the SGGEE Database was Conceived and Created - Gary E. Warner

Jewish Genealogical Resources Utilizing Genealogy Resources for East European Research - Susana Leistner Bloch

Volga Germans in Brazil - Dr. Aryton G. Celestino

Searching for Grandma: Finding Female Ancestors - Shirley Bucca

Research in Imperial Russia - Thomas Edlund

Bohemians in Bukovina: An Attempt to Shed Some Light on the Origins of our Bohemian Ancestors - Michael Augustin

Drang Nach Osten. Part 1: German Migration East to Hungary, Galicia, Bessarabia, Black Sea regions and Volga River in Russia - Jerry Frank

Rules for Recruitment in the Austrian Army 1740 - 1890 Part 1. - Karen & Leo Hobbs

West and East Prussian Genealogical Records of Value for Mennonites, Most Germans From Volhynia, Central Poland and Mariupol Colonies and some from Bessarabia and certain other Black Sea Settlements - Edward R. Brandt

Organizing Your Research Records/Mail/Photographs With or Without a Computer - Thelma Findlay

Jewish Genealogy for the Non-Jewish Researcher - Gladys Friedman Paulin

History of Bukovina German Settlements in Lewis County, Washington Dating From 1887 - Mary Lee Rose

Drang Nach Osten. Part 2: German Migration to Russian Poland and Volhynia - Jerry Frank

Rules for Recruitment in the Austrian Army - Part 2. Karen & Leo Hobbs

Researching Your Doukhobor Roots - Jonathan J. Kalmakoff

How to Prepare Before Visiting a Record Centre. Tips to Make the Most Effective Use of Your Time - Moderator: Irmgard Hein Ellingson. 

Regina Public Library - Kenneth G. Aitken; Family History Library - Kahlile Mehr

Guest Speaker. Dr. Ayrton Gon&ccecil;alves Celestino of Curitiba, Brazil. German-Bohemian Bukovina Families of Rio Negro and Mafra, Brazil.". Describes the history of Bavarian families who immigrated to Bohemia, and from there to Bukovina and then, in 1887 - 1888, to Brazil where they've developed communities in the past 114 years. Dr. Celestino is also aware of the Volga Germans who settled in the same area. Many of the families in Brazil have family members who settled in North America at the same time. Entertainment: Musical entertainment by members of the Bukovina Society and a presentation by the Maros Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble of Regina.

Bibliographies and Catalogues: Routes to Discovering Family History Resources - Kenneth G. Aitken

Germans from Russia Research - Thomas K. Edlund

Bukovina Networking. Use of Oral History, Print Sources, Church and Civil Records to Expedite and Enhance Regional Research - Irmgard Hein Ellingson

How to Get the Most Out of the SGGEE Website - Gary E. Warner

Land Records and Property Maps in the Austrian Empire Focussing on Galicia - Brian J. Lenius

Banat Genealogy - Glen Schwartz

Breaking Down Brick Walls One Brick at a Time - Patricia Ryan

Baltic Genealogical Primer: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania -Kahlile B. Mehr

Researching Your Bukovina Ancestors From North America - Laura M. Hanowski

History of Nazi Resettlement Records and Einwandererzentralstelle (EWZ) documents - Richard Benert

Accessing Galician Genealogical Records in Archives and Other Locations in Poland and Ukraine - Brian J. Lenius

Slovak Genealogy. Genealogical Sources in Slovakia and the Family History Library - Duncan Gardiner

Immigration, Settlement and Family History Sources at Saskatchewan Archives - Chris Gebhard

Austria-Hungary for Genealogists: Sources, History, Geography - Duncan Gardiner

A Presentation on Volhynia With an Emphasis on the Einwandererzentrlstelle (EWZ) Documents - Irmgard Hein Ellingson and Dave Obee

Immigration Through Germany to North America. Part 1 - Maralyn A. Wellauer-Lenius

Balkan Research - Thomas K. Edlund

Using Software to Do Genealogy: Programs and Add-ons - Christime Krismer

Reading and Translating the Old German Script (Kurrent & Suetterlin) - Frank Soural

Researching Hungarian Ancestors in Bukovina - Beth Long, L�szl� Rudolf and Leah D�gh

Memories of Early Years in Volhynia. Family Life and My Father's Activities as a Kantor/Teacher in Tutschin-Kosopol Areas - Kurt Arndt

Immigration Through Germany to North America. Part 2 - Maralyn A. Wellauer-Lenius

Jewish Colonies in Saskatchewan - Gladys Friedman Paulin

Do I Hire a Professional Researcher, Visit an Overseas Archives Myself, Go With a Tour Group or Do All of the Above?

How Records are Selected For Microfilming, the Procedure For Doing So and the Challenges With Cataloging the Records. Guest Speaker - Kahlile Mehr

Post Second World War Immigration to Canada - Dave Obee

Travel Before the Iron Horse and the Road to America - Frank Soural

History of the Associa�o Alem-Bucowina de Cultura (Association for Bukovina Culture) in Brazil - Dr. Ayrton Gon&ccecil;alves Celestino

A Summary of the Record Types and Coverage of Material Being Acquired by the Family History Library in Western Ukraine and Poland - Kahlile B. Mehr

Experiences With Austrian Military Records. Part 1 - Karen and Leo Hobbs

German Baptist Church Records as a Source For Genealogy - Van Massirer

Ethics Are More Than Just Being Nice: the heart of the integrity of your report - G. Alvin Murray

Czech Genealogical Research - Duncan Gardiner

Our Cultural Endeavors and September 11th. Taking Our Data to Contemporary Global Relevancy - Steve Parke

How to Read the Vital Records in Polish - Al Muth

Experiences With Austrian Military Records. Part 2 - Karen and Leo Hobbs

Research in Pomerania - Marsha Gustad

Pictures and Software to Write Your Family History - Christine Krismer

German Emigration Resources - Marion Wolfert

Galician Influence on Bukovina Research - Irmgard Hein Ellingson

Finding Where Grandma Eloped: Searches in the Vital Records of Early 19th Century - Al Muth

Building a Family Tree Using Canadian and East European Records - Thelma F. Findlay

The former Lutheran colony at Edenwold and the Catholic and Lutheran cemeteries at Southey and district. 

Roman Catholic Colonies at St. Joseph, Balgonie and St. Peter, Kronau

Hutterite Colony at Kronau

Bukovina cemeteries in Punnichy, Cupar and district

Catholic colonies at Mariahilf, Killaly and Grayson

Hungarian colonies at Esterhazy, Kaposvar and Bekevar