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Past Conference - 1995 Calgary

FEEFHS First Western Regional Conference
Calgary, Alberta July 25, 1995

FEEFHS held a western regional conference in Calgary, Alberta, on Tuesday, July 25, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This was during the week of the annual convention of the AHSGR (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia) but before the beginning of any AHSGR programs.

Past Conference - 1999 Van Nuys

Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys, California
Friday 24 September - Sunday 26 September 1999

Held in conjunction with Immigrant Genealogy Society (IGS) Seminar with Henning Schröder
and the Gluckstal Colonies Research Association (GCRA) Annual Meeting.

Lectures and Speakers

Marilyn Abigt, of Fallbrook, California a Professional Genealogist with specialties in German and German-Jewish genealogy research

Past Conference - 2001 Milwaukee

Ramada Inn South Airport, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Friday 5 October - Sunday 7 October, 2001



OCT 5, FRI, 8:30-9:30
Finding Places in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova / Mehr
German Naming Patterns: What is Known and Area for Further Study / Eakle
Canadian Immigration Records / Obee