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Database of 131 Galician Villages

Galican Database of Sources Events by Person and Village
for 57 Villages of Galicia, a former Crownland of the Empire of Austria
Compiled by the Hilfskomitee der Galziendeutschen, Germany, Forschungsstelle Genealogie

© Copyright 2000-2003 by Galizien German Descendants , all rights reseved

Note: The following message was received by eMail from Betty Wray, cofounder and newsletter editor of the Galizien German Descendants organization. We are delighted to help GGD and Herr Daum to publicize the efforts of the Hilfskomittee der Galziendeutschen, Germany, Forschungsstelle Genealogie.

"I have received information from Mr. Manfred Daum (from the Hilfskomittee in Germany in their publication Das Heilige Band) that they are making available extracted information on the following villages within the former Autrian Crownland of Galicia."

Cost: Please contact Herr Daum by Email for his response to the cost of postage.

Miniumum Computer Requirements: "You need Windows 95 or higher (Windows 98 or Windows NT) OS (Operating System) installed on your computer to operate this and you will also need a CD-ROM installed on your computer. The text is saved in Word 97 bzw., RTF-Database."

Size: "The entire database contains about 89,485 individual people, from 20,686 families and includes 335,541 sourced events."

Future Plans: "The Hilfskomittee is continuing with their work and plan to add more information as times goes on. The project is not finished. They are presently working on adding more to Kolomea village. Some books are quite big - eg. Lemberg has 1,645 pages."

For Futher Details and Information

Manfred Daum
Haferkamp 25
D-29525 Uelzen
Tel. 0581/31100

Villages Available and the Years

Altsandez 1775-1870
Alt Jazów 1786 - 1870
Antonin 1797-1857
Augustdorf 1838-1871
Baginsberg (in Kolomea) 1818-1871
Bandrów 1783-1848
Barcice 1788-1870
Bedrykowce 1819-1861
Berdikau 1783-1870
Biala 1839-1846
Biczyce 1788-1870
Biegonice 1783-1870
Bochnia 1784-1870
Bogucice 1783-1870
Bolechów 1800-1859
Brigidau 1783-1885
Chelmiec 1783-1870
Landestreu 1783-1870
Lemberg 1779-1870
Lindenau 1784-1838
Lindenfeld 1784-1860
Majdan Sredni 1819-1902
Majkowice Nowe 1784-1870
Mariahilf 1816-1843
Mikulsdorf 1848-1902
Mierów 1785-1857
Mokra Wies 1788-1870
Moosberg 1784-1870
Nadwórna 1803-1870
Naszacowice 1783-1870
Neu Burczyce 1784-1870
Neu Chrusno 1784-1860
Neu Gawlów 1784-1870
Neu Huziejów 1784-1859
Neu Kupnowitz 1784-1870
Neudorf/Droh. 1784-1880
Neudorf/Ottynia 1842-1870
Neudörfel 1783-1870
Neuhof (Gródek) 1830-1860
Neusandez 1786-1870
Debelówka 1817-1870
Deutsch Lednica 1785-1870
Deutschbach 1784-1838
Dobrohostów 1805-1880
Dobromil 1784-1830
Dobrzanica 1784-1849
Dolina 1794-1870
Dornfeld 1784-1860
Drohobycz 1784-1836
Einsiedel 1784-1860
Einsingen 1784-1838
Engelsberg 1811-1870
Engelsbrunn 1784-1830
Falkenstein 1784-1860
Felsendorf 1784-1838
Gabon 1788-1870
Gassendorf 1786-1880
Gelsendorf 1784-1859
Gillershof 1783-1870
Golkowice 1783-1870
Grabowiec-Stryjski 1830-1860
Obersdorf 1783-1848
Olszanka 1787-1870
Ottynia 1848-1904
Padew 1783-1870
Piatkowa (Neusandez) 1788-1870
Podegrodzie 1786-1870
Polowce 1819-1871
Prinzenthal 1783-1848
Ranischau 1783-1870
Reichau 1784-1838
Reichenbach 1784-1860
Reichsheim 1783-1870
Rosenberg 1784-1860
Rosenburg 1784-1830
Rottenhan 1785-1870
Rytro 1783-1870
Sapiezanka 1784-1870
Schönthal 1784-1870
Schumlau 1784-1870
Siegenthal 1788-1848
Skrudzina 1786-1870
Hanunin 1797-1857
Hartfeld 1784-1870
Heinrichsdorf 1810-1857
Hoffnungsau 1784-1838
Hohenbach 1783-1870
Horocholina 1803-1900
Hutweide 1785-1870
Josefów 1785-1857
Josefsberg 1784-1880
Juraszowa 1788-1870
Kadcza 1785-1870
Kaltwasser 1784-1870
Kalusz 1784-1870
Kamionka Strumilowa 1784-1870
Kleindorf 1784-1870
Königsau 1788-1812
Königsberg 1786-1870
Kolomea 1816-1865
Konstantynówka 1818-1870
Krzeczów 1783-1870
Ksiaznica 1783-1870
Kuttenberg 1792-1877
Stadlo 1786-1870
Stanin 1784-1857
Stanislau 1800 - 1870
Stara Wies Weber 1786-1870
Steinau 1783-1870
Steinfels 1783-1848
Stryj 1784-1860
Strzeszyce 1783-1870
Swierkla 1783-1870
Swiniarsko 1788-1870
Tengoborza 1787-1870
Theodorshof 1784-1870
Trinitatis 1784-1870
Ugartsberg 1784-1939
Ugartsthal 1784-1870
Unterbach 1783-1870
Unterbergen 1784-1870
Unterwalden 1784-1870
Uszkowice 1785-1844
Walddorf 1796-1870
Weinbergen 1784-1870
Wojtowstwo 1787-1870

Zaleszczyki 1766-1861
Zalubincze 1784-1870
Zawada (Neusandez) 1784-1870
Zbikowice 1783-1870
