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Ksiegi Metrykalne Finding Aid K

FEEFHS Finding Aid for "Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce"
(Church and Civil Record Holdings)

The Polish Central Department for Archival Information published this book in 1998 claiming to list all of the church and civil records in each of their 89 regional archives. It is generally conceded that it most probably lists all (or nearly all) such holdings known to exist in the State Archives of Poland.

Ksiegi Metrykalne Finding Aid I-J

FEEFHS Finding Aid for "Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce"
(Church and Civil Record Holdings)

The Polish Central Department for Archival Information published this book in 1998 claiming to list all of the church and civil records in each of their 89 regional archives. It is generally conceded that it most probably lists all (or nearly all) such holdings known to exist in the State Archives of Poland.

Ksiegi Metrykalne Finding Aid G-H

FEEFHS Finding Aid for "Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce"
(Church and Civil Record Holdings)

The Polish Central Department for Archival Information published this book in 1998 claiming to list all of the church and civil records in each of their 89 regional archives. It is generally conceded that it most probably lists all (or nearly all) such holdings known to exist in the State Archives of Poland.

Ksiegi Metrykalne Finding Aid D-F

FEEFHS Finding Aid for "Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce"
(Church and Civil Record Holdings)

The Polish Central Department for Archival Information published this book in 1998 claiming to list all of the church and civil records in each of their 89 regional archives. It is generally conceded that it most probably lists all (or nearly all) such holdings known to exist in the State Archives of Poland.