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Polish Name Database: Lipusz and Borzszkowy

Francine Fitting Surname INDEX

By Francine Palubicki Fitting

Copyright © 1997 Francine Fitting, all rights reserved

This information was taken from various LDS microfilms in my effort to trace the various branches of my family. It is by no means perfect or free from errors. When I compiled it, it was not my intention to publish it. Any errors are my own and the date should be rechecked by interested parties for verification.

The two Polish locations researched were: Lipusz Parish, and Borzszkowy Parish

Towns Witnin Lipusz Parish

Lipusz, Glisno, Srzybau, Squirawen, Gostomken, Kalisz, Sollen, Ploczyc, Schludron, Tuschkau, Slonne, Zolno, Kayserhutte, Papiermuhle, Schodno, Sluza, Pehlken, Jabluszk, Turzonka, Zdrojin, Keyser, Lorentz, Ludwigsthal, Karpno, Trawitz, Mechau, Bimachej, Kruglenz, Wgrowna, Nakel, Konitop. The spellings may be inaccurate. Lipusz Parish includes these towns: Lipusz, Glisno, Srzybau, Squirawen, Gostomken, Kalisz, Sollen, Ploczyc, Schludron, Tuschkau, Slonne, Zolno, Kayserhutte, Papiermuhle, Schodno, Sluza, Pehlken, Jabluszk, Turzonka, Zdrojin, Keyser, Lorentz, Ludwigsthal, Karpno, Trawitz, Mechau, Bimachej, Kruglenz, Wgrowna, Nakel, Konitop. The spellings may be inaccurate.

Towns Witnin Borzyzkowy Parish

Woyski, Unterosto, Kiedrowice, Ostrowitz, Zapcen, Sztoltzmann, Borowy, Zapcen, Oszesznica, Pradzona, Ostowi.

Lipusz Microfilm Numbers

The following FHL microfilm numbers were used for Lipusz:

  • 0163522
  • 1618607
  • 1417785
  • 1417786
  • 0529601
  • 0161891
  • 0529600

Borzyzskowy Microfilm Numbers

The following FHL microfim numbers were used for Borzyzskowy:

(To be provided)

Some of the information, namely anything from U.S.A. came from family records or church or vital records here.

As with anything, errors can and have happened. There can be errors in spelling and/or dates listed.

The author would appreciate receiving any corrections or additions to the lists as well as answering any questions that may come along.

She can be reached for further questions at, or through her website.

The Surname Index

The index is composed of five parts which are accessible via the links below.
