Russian Empire Coats of Arms: Vol XI-XXI
General Collection of Coats of Arms
Russian Empire Coats of Arms: Vol I-X
General Collection of Coats of Arms
for the All-Russian Empire 1797-1888

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The Russian Hereditary Nobility System
There were two forms of nobility in the Russian Empire: hereditary and personal. WhereasHereditarynobility passed down to subsequent generations, personal nobility could not be inherited from the person who was awarded the status of personal nobleman. This article focuses on the specific registration of hereditary nobility in the Russian Empire.
Guard Marines in the White Navy
Navy cadets, guard-marines and students of the Navy Engineer Corps (129 persons in total) joined the cadets mentioned below, and the Navy School was formed in Vladivostok in November 1918.
Russian Fleet Expedition to North America: 1863-1864
Research provided by BLITZ – Information Center
St. Petersburg, Russia – Elena Tsvetkova
San Rafael, California – Kristin Nute
Physicians in the Russian Empire
Research provided by BLITZ – Information Center
Search of 18th Century – 1917 Physicians in the Russian Empire
Through general genealogy research performed by Blitz-Information Center, our researchers have found interesting lists of physicians.
The Order of Saint Prince Vladimir

Research provided by BLITZ – Information Center
The Order of Saint Prince Vladimir (St. Vladimir Order)
Russian KGB Records
Soviet / Russian secret police files
During the Soviet period in Russia, millions of people were arrested, exiled and executed. Most of these arrests, exiles and executions took place during Stalin's repression of the 1930s. An overwhelming majority of those repressed were not guilty of any crime. The OGPU-NKVD* compiled false "proof" of crimes using legal and illegal methods.
Russian Geographic Society
For more information or to take on a search, contact BLITZ : (California) OR (Russia)
Russian Empire's Senate Bulletin
Copyright © 1998-2017 Blitz, all rights reserved
Elena Tsvetkova
BLITZ Genealogy Services
St. Petersburg, Russia
March 16 2004