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2021 Conference, Austro-Hungarian Track

Austro-Hungarian Track – Class Descriptions and Time Schedule (sorted by time slot)

All presentations in the Austro-Hungarian track are in Room 1.

All times are Mountain Daylight Time.


Austrian Family History Research (Dr. Roger Minert), Wednesday August 11, 9:45 AM, Room 2

This presentation includes details collected during three years as a resident in Austria (nearly two of those years as an active family history researcher). The prime resources for genealogical research are presented and two of the finest genealogical websites anywhere are described and illustrated or demonstrated. Modern Austria is the focus, but the former crownlands (now parts of several modern countries) are also discussed.


Some Techniques for Finding the Village of Origin When All You Know is “Austria” (Joanne M. Sher), Wednesday August 11, 11:00 AM, Room 2

So often the documents found in the U.S. and Canada merely state that Austria was the birthplace of your ancestors. Actually they most likely were from a location in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and not the country of Austria. How you can find out what was their village of origin?  Techniques, resources, and examples will be discussed.


I have a place name! Now what? Identifying Place Names in the lands of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire (Suzanne M. Trotter), Wednesday, August 11, 1:30 PM, Room 2

As with most European research, records in the Austrian and Hungarian lands were kept at the town level. This means that we have to identify a town in order to really be sure we’ve found the correct family. However, in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, having a town name may not be enough because each ethnicity called the town a different name. When the Austrian Empire took over, they imposed German names on all towns. The same occurred for Hungarian. But if your ancestor was a non-German, non-Hungarian, living in a town here, they called it by their own ethnic variation.


Austro-Hungarian Empire Geography (Fritz Juengling), Wednesday, August 11, 2:45 PM, Room 2

Austro-Hungarian Empire Geography. Participants will learn historical jurisdictional and cultural geography of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This will include boundary changes and ethno-linguistic geography and how these things affect record keeping. Participants will be introduced to a major gazetteer that is used for Austro-Hungarian Empire research. 


Census records of the Czech Republic (Greg Nelson), Wednesday, August 11, 4:00 PM, Room 2

Census records of the Czech Republic are a valuable research tool in your quest to find your Czech ancestors. This course will cover pre-1857 attempts to count the people of the area by the Hapsburg empire through the regular census taken from 1857-1921. This course will cover online research, research groups, data privacy restrictions, and strategies for archival visits. The course is intended for the diaspora and not for in-country researchers but will benefit both groups.


You think FamilySearch has everything? Think twice. Offline sources for Croatian genealogy (Lidija Sambunjak), Thursday, August 12, 8:30 AM, Room 2

Croatia has been one of those countries in the middle of Europe that has been unfortunate to fight many wars. Due to this fact lots of church vital records have been destroyed and Family Search did an amazing job by digitalizing those that have survived centuries of destruction.


Online and offline sources for Slovenian genealogy (Lidija Sambunjak), Thursday, August 12, 9:45 AM, Room 2

Research of someone’s ancestor from a little country called Slovenia hasn’t changed much since the 20th century. But during this presentation, attendees will learn what an important role Roman- Catholic Archdiocese archives play there and why online publishing is in such a delay. Website for Research in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia & Slovakia (Dr. Fritz Juengling), Thursday August 12, 11:00 AM, Room 2

Come learn some of the many resources on the site  This site covers modern-day Austria and some of the other areas of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Much time will be spent on the gazetteer, which is indispensable for research in some of the former Crown Lands.


Austrian Military Research (Milan Pohontsch), Thursday, August 12, 1:30 PM, Room 2

This presentation teaches how to follow step-by-step the research process of tracing the military career of an officer and/or soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army between 1790 and 1867. It also introduces additional military-related sources for those who had served in this army.