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Lecture descriptions Ellie Vance, FEEFHS 2021

[Scroll down to see all lectures taught by this presenter during this conference]


Germans from Russia: An Overview (Germans from Russia track)

This course provides a broad overview of emigration from Germany into Russia, the formation of mother and daughter colonies, migration within Russia and immigration to the Americas. Understanding the broader story helps us better understand our ancestor’s individual story. Also an overview of using gazetteers and websites to locate your town and the jurisdictions that will help you find records.


Germans from Russia: Revision Lists (Germans from Russia track)

Aside from church records, revision lists (ревизские скзки) are some of the most important records for Germans from Russia genealogical research. Like U.S. census records, revision lists records each member of the family, providing names, ages, and relationships. For this reason, they are essential for validating family relationships, ages and tracking a family through time. This course will teach you about the history of revision list records, as well as how to locate and read an original revision Russian revision list for your Black Sea or Volga Germans from Russia ancestor.


Germans from Russia: Locating Church Records (Germans from Russia track)

Focus on Lutheran, Catholic, and Mennonite in the Black Sea and Volga areas – where to access records, both indexed and original.