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Class Descriptions, Joe Everett

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Joe Everett.


Introduction to Russian Empire/USSR Research

The Russian Empire/USSR track includes research in countries that were formerly part of the Russian Empire or U.S.S.R, with a focus on the countries in Europe, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania as well as the former Russian-Poland (Kingdom of Poland). This class will provide an overview of genealogy research in this region.


Researching Records in the Archives of former USSR Countries

Learn about the archive system in Russia and the former USSR, archival record arrangement, visiting or corresponding with archives, using archival finding aids, and locating records on archive websites.


Finding Records on FamilySearch and other Websites for the Former Russian Empire and USSR

Discover how to find images of original records from Russia and the USSR online on FamilySearch, other genealogical sites, as well as archive websites.


Reading Records in Russian (workshop)

Move beyond basic knowledge of the Russian alphabet to learning and practicing reading printed and handwritten documents in Russian. Participants should come to class having already familiarized themselves with the Russian alphabet in print, including the letter names, sounds, and English equivalent letters, and be able to read (sound out) common Russian names and basic vocabulary.