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Class Descriptions, Craig Siulinski

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Craig Siulinski.


Blogging As An Excellent Platform to Share Your Family History

Have you considered starting your own genealogy blog to share the compelling stories of a family line or of a particular ancestor? This class will focus on the basics behind creating a blog using the free Google Blogger platform and all you need to know to get started with publishing your selected content online. The interactive element of blogging adds a dynamic element that stand-alone books and regular websites do not offer because readers can post information and stories to add to the content that you share with your audience.


How to Break a Brick Wall

Computers and technology provide today’s genealogists with many resources for basic research, and for communicating/collaborating with family members and colleagues, but sometimes researching on location provides the fastest and best family history information that you just can’t find online. The idea of walking the pavement is surely one of the few remaining old-world endeavors of the family researcher. A research trip can unlock long-standing puzzles especially if significant prep work is done prior to hitting the road. The central ideas in this presentation involve using offline clues and networking (before, during and after traveling) to provide insights and answers to compelling family history questions.