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Conference registration is open! Register Now

Announcing the 2021 FEEFHS Conference

The decision has been made: the 2021 FEEFHS conference will be online.

The conference with 64 different classes will be on August 11-13, 2021 (Wednesday-Friday). Planned are four different classes simultaneously.

And here is the good news. In the past you had to choose which of the classes to attend and which to miss. In 2021 you don't have to miss one single class since all sessions will be recorded and posted on our website for a time to all conference attendees (login will be required).


We are still working on the schedule and the speaker setup. The following tracks will be available (in alphabetical order):

  • Austro-Hungarian track
  • DNA track
  • German track
  • Germans from Russia track
  • Jewish track
  • Polish track
  • Resources track
  • Russian track

Registration Costs

Registration Type Cost Remarks
Normal $200 Includes both the live Zoom sessions plus the post conference video recordings
Early Bird $150 Same as Normal registration. Available until July 14
Student Registration No Cost Same as Normal registration. Must provide a valid student ID via file upload
Video Recordings Only $200 This option will become available after the conference on August 13 until December 31


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