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The Germans of Iowa and Their Achievements

Germans of Iowa

(Die Deutschen von Iowa und deren Errungenschaften)
Extract of Biographical Sketches

By Jim W. Faulkinbury, C.G.R.S.
(Certified Genealogical Record Specialist

Based on the Book by Jospeh Eiboeck titled:
"Die Deutschen von Iowa und deren Errungenschaften"
(Des Moines, Iowa: des Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, 1900)

FHL Microfilm number for this book is #1036447 (Family History Library, Salt Lake City) (This film can be obtained on a loan basis for viewing at any LDS Family History Center).

Introduction and Background (by Jim Faulkinbury, C.G.R.S.):

"Die Deutschen von Iowa und deren Errungenschaften" is a book printed in 1900 by one of the German newspapers in Des Moines, Iowa. It was printed in German using the gothic alphabet. This book provides a great deal of information regarding the citizens of Iowa with Germanic backgrounds. There are sections on noted members of the newspaper community, the clergy, tradesmen, and sections on several towns in Iowa. The compiler inherited a copy that belonged to his great-grandfather, Charles W. Walser, one of the newspaper men listed in the book.

This extraction only attempts to provide the genealogical information that was contained in the actual volume. One item of particular interest to the compiler was the frequent mention of the places of birth in Germany from which these people came. Making the connection back to the homeland is often difficult unless the local parish records can be found for the places of origin. It is hoped that by providing this birth information, which might not otherwise be available, the connection between the families in Germany and the United States can be made for anyone related to these families.

There is much more information available in the text of the book itself. The book is available on microfilm at the Family History Center Library (microfilm number 1036447). Thus this microfilm is available on loan thru the over 2,000 Family History Centers worldwide.

Anyone finding useful information in this extraction is encouraged to obtain the full text of the article from which this information was obtained. The page numbers listed at the end of each individual extract refer to the page number in the book where this information was found.