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2024 Pre-Conference Workshops - August 5


Several optional pre-conference workshops are offered.  The three-hour format allows for an intensive instruction on these topics.  The workshop fee covers both morning and afternoon workshops on Monday, August 5. For the same fee, attendees may choose one workshop in either the morning or evening OR opt for two workshops for a full day of instruction. The early bird fee for the workshop day is $75 if registered by July 7.  Thereafter, the fee is $95.



Morning Workshops - 9:00am - 12:00 noon

Finding the Village of Origin (instructor: Joanne Sher) 

It is virtually impossible to do research in Eastern Europe without first knowing the name of the village where your ancestors came from. A country name or even a general area is too broad. Having this village information will enhance your experience during the conference.  After this morning workshop, you will have the possibility for a one-on-one consultation with the presenter in the FamilySearch Library. These afternoon consultations are covered by the workshop fee.

Interpreting German Script in Genealogy Records (instructor: Marissa Gardner) 

Along with some history of German script, this workshop will provide the tools and resources to become a wizard at reading German-language records! Participants will also receive guided hands-on practice interpreting these documents, including German civil records, church records, emigration papers, gazetteers, and more! 


Afternoon Workshops - 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Following the Dream – German emigration to the United States throughout the 19th Century (instructor: Baerbel Johnson) 

The 19th Century saw major changes in both the German lands and the United States. This workshop will explore the emigrant experience as it evolved in the 19th Century, influenced by push and pull factors, changing laws and territories, and new technology, on both sides of the “Great Pond”. Case studies and first-person immigrant narratives add a personal touch. 

MyHeritage From A To Z – All You Need To Know And A Bit More (instructor: Daniel Horowitz) 

Building a family tree online has a number of unique advantages, and one of them is that you can take advantage of the unique features of the platform you’re using. In this session, Daniel will introduce you to the MyHeritage platform and give you an overview of its features, showing you how you can grow your tree quickly and efficiently thanks to MyHeritage’s advanced technologies. You’ll learn the basics of building a family tree online: how to create family member profiles, fill in details, and discover new information and family members to add to your tree. 

Cyrillic Handwriting (instructor: Hailey Thompson) 

This workshop will go beyond the basics of the Cyrillic alphabet to practicing reading handwritten documents, focusing on Russian-language examples.