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Liebling Village Association

Liebling is a village that was a part of the former Banat of the Hungarian Empire. Since the end of World War I it has been within the nation of Romania. It is located about 20 kilometers south of the Romania city of Temosara. Liebling was founded in 1786. There is a considerable amount of information now available on its former residents. Most of the refrence material exists thanks to the hard work of German and Austrian genealogists. But recently there has been some work done in this regard in North America.


Liebling Record Searchers

Lou (Ludwig Peter) Arnold
1 Ariel Court
Nepean, Ontario
Canada K2H 8J1

The first posting of Liebling surnames on this web site was made on the SERL by Lou (Ludwig Peter) Arnold of Ottawa, Canada on 13 March. He is a direct descendent of Johann ARNOLD of Liebling, Roumania, (b. 1683 in Harta, Hungary). He has a family tree which he is trying to extend at any point. Thus Lou has (and is also looking for) information on his family surnames.

See Index to Arnold Family Genealogy.

Marie Anstadt
Orange, California

Separately, Marie T. Anstadt met the FEEFHS webmaster in 1995 at his GGSA lecture series. She mailed a pedigree chart of her grandmother, Katherina Möwius / Moewius, most of whose ancestors came from Liebling. In early October 1995 the Liebling connection was noticed between Lou's SERL entry and Marie's Möwius pedigree chart, which resulted in this web page.

Marie has a copy of the Liebling Ortsippenbuch (1979 by Johann Möhler), which is un-indexed. She has extracted her own line from that book. Her father was named Arnold and she also traces that line back to Harta, Hungary. Thus she and Lou are related. She is also familiar with one or more persons in Chicago and Montreal where good sized groups of Liebling descendants settled in the early part of the century and again after WW II. She also is aware of Liebling clubs in both of these cities.

Separately, Marie T. Anstadt met the FEEFHS webmaster in 1995 at his GGSA lecture series. She mailed a pedigree chart of her grandmother, Katherina Möwius / Moewius, most of whose ancestors came from Liebling. In early October 1995 the Liebling connection was noticed between Lou's SERL entry and Marie's Möwius pedigree chart, which resulted in this home page.

Marie has a copy of the Liebling Ortsippenbuch (1979 by Johann Möhler), which is un-indexed. She has extracted her own line from that book. Her father was named Arnold and she also traces that line back to Harta, Hungary. Thus she and Lou are related. She is also familiar with one or more persons in Chicago and Montreal where good sized groups of Liebling descendants settled in the early part of the century and again after WW II. She also is aware of Liebling clubs in both of these cities.

Liebling Surnames: A start toward a surname list for Liebling is posted below. It is the reult of combining surnames on Lou's SERL entry and surnames from Maries pedigee chart of Katherina Möwius. Efforts are now under way to create a surname index of the 769 page Liebling Ortsippenbuch and post it here for research use.

Should you feel you have a ancestry that dates back to a family member in the Banat village of Liebling, please contact Lou Arnold at his eMail address above.

Liebling Surname Pages?: The possibility exists for Liebling record searchers of posting a page for individual surnames connected to Liebling, with a hypertext link from them to this master surname list.

See Arnold Family Tree Surname List (Lou Arnold's Library)
