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Theresientaler Heimatbund

Founded: 1964

Postal Address Hofwiesenstr. 16
D - 74405 Gaildorf, Germany
Telephone: +49-7971-5812
(No eMail-address available)

Background: The Theresientaler Heimatbund society was founded in 1964 to preserve contact between the descendant families and keep alive the cultural heritage of the ancestors of Austrian emigrants to the Karpatho-Ukraine during the Austria-Hungarian empire. The five small villages - Deutsch-Mokra (1775) and later Koenigsfeld, Russich-Moka, Burstura and Dombo - were founded in the Theresiental (Tereswa-Valley) by Austrian immigrants. They had been recruited in Salzkammergut, Upper-Austria, to work in the large woods in the very eastern edge of the Austria-Hungarian empire.

Museum: A well appointed history museum is situated in Gaildorf Castle. Visitors can learn more about the culture, working-conditions and traditions in those small villages of Carpatho-Ukraine.

ActivitiesMeetings are held in Gaildorf Germany. Trips into the native countryhave been organized.

Publication: A Semi Annual "Theresientaler Heimatbote", a magazine for the members of the society.

Editor and Publisher: Vinzenz Holzberger

Culture, History, Relief and Genealogy: Please note the Theresientaler Heimatbund is not just a genealogy society. Researching our roots is only one of the multifarious activities. See a summary of the relief activities below, and how you can help.

Names (Alternate Spellings) and Location of the Five Villages

History and Pioneers to Deutsch-Mokra and Koenigsfeld

List of the Austrian immigrants from 1775

Karpato-Ukraine Database - Background information and how to obtain more information

Relief to These Austro-Ukrainian Villages: As mentioned above, some descendants of the 1775 immigrants still live in these Ukrainian villages. In co-operation with like-minded people in Austria, many relief campaigns for those needy inhabitants are organized. For example: renovation of a church and hospital, purchase of a car for the local doctor and direct financial support of the families.

Financial Support Needed All members of the society do their work without pay or compensation. Member contributions and donations are the only income of the Theresientaler Heimatbund. Those who want to back or projects are pleased to use: 

Account: 6439493
Bank: Kreissparkasse Gaildorf
Bank code number: 62250030
Account-owner: Vinzenz Holzberger
Purpose: Theresientaler Heimatbund

All donations will be used to help the needy Austrian descendants in the Ukraine!

Recommended literature:
Hans Schmid-Egger (Hrsg) Collegium Carolinum
Deutsch-Mokra Koenigsfeld - Eine Siedlung in den Waldkarpaten
Volkskundliche Darstellung, aufgrund der Sammlungen von Anton F. Zauner, 1973
Verlag Robert Lerche, Muenchen
ISBN: 3 87 478 108 9

This book is not available right now (out of print). The Theresientaler Heimatbund society plans to arrange a reprint if enough interested customers exist. Please advise them of your interest.