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Past Conference - 2000

Holiday Inn Downtown, Salt Lake City, Utah
Friday 22 September - Sunday 24 September, 2000


  • Marilyn Abigt of Fallbrook California (3): Saxony and basic Germanic Jewish genealogy:

    • Saxony and Thueringen genealogy - OLD SOURCES that were available BEFORE the fall of the wall (before 1991)
    • Saxony and Thueringen genealogy - NEW SOURCES that became available AFTER the fall of the wall (after 1991)
      Basic Jewish Genealogy
  • John Alleman (1): one om translations, available as a translator mentor
  • Steve Blodgett, A.G. FHL (2): Germany; Austria records
    • German Research
    • Austrian Research
  • Randy Bryson, FHL (1): FamilySearch
    • Using FamilySearch on the Internet (Saturday)
  • Steve Cannon, FHL (1): PAF
    • Personal Ancestral File 4.0
  • Dona Cuillard (Simi Vally CA FHC Director (4):
    • Family Reunions - Many New Ideas for successful gatherings
    • Alternate Sources for Genealogy - on and off the Internet
    • Pennsylvania Research - "How to" from a successful expert
    • U.S. Military Records - Unusual Sources
    • Internet Research - "Yes, You Can!"
  • Richard W. Dougherty, A.G. (2):
    • US Sources for finding a German locality of origin
    • German American Churchbooks
  • David Dreyer (2): Banat, ship passenger lists and emigration
  • Arlene Eakle (3): 3 lectures (topics to be posted ASAP)
  • Thom. Edlund, FHL (4): Russian research
    • Russian Empire #1 - Court Record Types
    • Russian Empire #2 - Using the Family History Library (FHL) Collection
    • Russian Empire #3 - Locating Records in Country
    • World War II Resettlement of Ethnic Germans from th Soviet Union (EWZ)
  • Shon Edwards, FHL (2): Georgia; Czech
  • Irmgard Ellingston (4):
    • Bukovina
    • Volhynia
    • Using the EWZ (1939-1945 German repatriation records)
  • Joe Everett, FHL (2): Belarus research; Russian census
    • Introduction to Belarus Research
    • Russian Empire Census Records
  • Jim Faulkinbury, CGRS (2 related lectures): Emigration / naturalization sources
    • Various naturalization laws and the types of records created by them
    • How to find these records.
  • Larraine Ferguson GGD Editor (1): Germanic Names
    • Do I Have a Name for You? Your Name, Subject or Place in German Periodicals
  • Duncan Gardiner, C.G., A.G. (3): Czech; Slovak; Carpatho-Rusyns
  • Charles M. Hall (4):
    • Using my Atlantic Bridge to Germany series to find your Germanic locality (daily lecture with workshop on your locality problems)
    • Solving Silesian Genealogy Problems (Panel with Joe Rieman and Gary Hoffman)
  • Miriam Hall-Hansen (2): They Came from Russia and Spoke German; The St. Petersburg Lutheran Registers and Other Records
  • Laura Hanowski of Canada (3): Canada Immigration; Bukovina
    Gary Hoffman (1):
    • Solving Silesian Genealogy Problems (Panel with Charles Hall and Joe Rieman)
  • Tom Hrncirck, A.G. (2): Czech and Moravian genealogy:
    • Westward Ho (Czech Immigration to the USA)
    • The Moravian archives (Brno and Opava)
  • Margaret L.Ingram, Albany Oregon (1 or 2):
    • Writing Your Life History
  • Irene Johnson, FHL (2): Greek Catholic research; Ukrainian naming practices
    • Ukranian Catholic Church Records
    • Ukranian Naming Pracices for non-Ukranian Speaking Descendants
  • Marak Koblanski, A.G. (2): Galician, Polish and Ukrainian research
    • Ukranian and Galician Research
    • Polish Research, Sources, Archives and On-Site Research
  • Blanche Krbechek (1): KANA (Polish-Kashubian) lecture and Workshop
  • Beth Long (Help us select 3 or 4 from the following list)
    • History of Andr�sfalva Catholic Churchbooks
    • Andr�sfalva Status Animarium
    • J�seffalva database
    • Bukovina Sz�kely; where are they now?
    • Bukovina Sz�kely organizations in Hungary: preserving history and culture.
    • Transylvania origins of the Bukovina Sz�kely
    • The Romanian connection: Return migration to Transylvania
    • Saskatchewan Immigration: Esterhazy, Cupar, and Arbury
    • Ships Passenger Lists
  • Kahlile Mehr, A.G. FHL (4): Soviet Region and the Balkins
    • Armenian Parish Locality Index
    • Baltic Profile for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
    • Finding Places in Eastern Europe (Maps and Gazetteers)
    • Croatian and Slovenian Archives
  • John Movius, Webmaster (9): Daily workshops with an online research computer:
    • Using the FEEFHS Website and the Internet to solve genealogy problems (daily)
    • Problem solving in Germany and Eastern Europe (daily)
    • Whats new in Germany and Eastern Europe research (daily).
    • Personal problem solving - help with your unanswered problems (6 daily sessions, one in the a.m., one in the p.m.)
    • Special computer research aids available all 3 days: Deutsche Geshlichterbuch Index, Slovenia Telephone CD-ROM, etc., FHL Catalog, FamilySearch on CD-ROM, etc.
  • Dave Obee (3):, Owner of Genealogy Unlimited of Victoria, British Columbia: (Map and EWZ expert):
    • Maps of Germany, Poland and the Ukraine - what's available
    • Two Dozen Sources for researching Germans from Russia
    • Using 70 EWZ microfilms to research my German-Russian ancestors (experiences and tips)
  • Toni Perroni (6): German provincial lectures:
    • Baden-Wuerttemberg resouces
    • Silesia / Posen resources
    • Rhineland resources
    • Hessen resources
    • Pommern resources (at the Saturday IGS Pommern SIG meeting)
    • Daily IGS Pommern SIG workshops (last lecture period)
  • Gwen Pritzkau G-R Expert (1): Germans from the Soviet Union/Russian genealogy
    • Village Research for German-Russians (Friday)
    • Germans from Russia Workshop (Friday)
  • Horst Reschke of Heritage Quest(3): Q&A from Heritage Quest; German Military Records; Germanic Nobility
  • L�zsl� Rudolf of Hungary (3):
    • Visiting Bukovina
    • Bridging the years: contacting/visiting relatives in Hungary
    • Workshop on planing details of a Hungary / Romania genealogy trip
  • Gayle Riley Galiica Jewish Expert (2): Jewish, Austrian Census
  • Trudy Schenk, A.G. of Park City, Utah(3):
    • Immigration and Passenger Lists
    • Wuerttemburg databases
    • Saxony, Thueringen and Bavaria databases
  • Daniel Schlyter, AG FHL (3): Poland; Jewish and Slovakia research
    • Your Pole to Pole Ancestry
    • Family History Library Resources for Jewish Research
    • Slovakia Research Procedures and Sources
  • Emily Stanford Schultz (1): Italian research in Croatia and Austria
    • The Lost Italy: Sud Tirol, Istria and Dalmacia
  • Vlad Soshnikov (3): Russia; Ukraine: Belarus archives
  • Peter J. Towey (AGFHS), London, England (2):
    • The Anglo-German Family History Society (AGFHS), How it can Help You
    • Researching Central and East European ancestry in the United Kingdom.
  • Tim Vincent, A.G. of Salt Lake City (2):
    • World War I Draft Records and U.S. Passport Applications as sources of genealogy
    • Finland: The Immigrant generation on both shores
  • Maralyn Wellauer (1 or 2): Swiss
  • Marian Wolfert, A.G. (3): Germanic Ortslexikons, Ortsnammenverzeichnis and Germanic boundary changes
    • Using Meyers 1913 Ortslexikon, Rudolfs Ortslexikon and Kredels Ortsnammenverzeichnis
    • German Boundary changes for Genealogists
    • German Traditions
  • Betty Wray, GGD (1): German Galizien Descendants Lecture; GGD Workshop