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Catholic Baptism Index

© copyright 1996 by ZVA and FEEFHS; all rights reserved


  • Family History Library (FHL), Hungary, Banat, Zichydorf - Roman Catholic Church Record Christenings, microfilm 1190365, register from 12 July 1789 to 31 December 1842, available on loan from the FHL for viewing at any Family History Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  • Shirley and Glen Gibbard, Zichydorf Digital Baptism Index, delivered via e-mail on Mon, 1 Jul 96, extending rights and complete authority to Barry J. Anwender, then the Zichydorf Village Association (ZVA) Coordinator on behalf of the ZVA via e-mail on Tue, 2 Jul 96.


This Digital Baptism Index for the Zichydorf Roman Catholic "Queen of Peace" Church was created by Glen and Shirley (nee Weiszmuller-Geiger) Gibbard of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Glen and Shirley dedicated four months of their time to manually generate this digital index from the microfilm records distributed by the Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. All village researchers, genealogists, and Zichydorfer descendants extend sincere thanks to Shirley and Glen for this generous contribution. The Gibbards specifically requested that "if any recognition should given, it should go to the person (likely one or more priests) who compiled the (church record) index in 1843." Special thanks goes to John Movius of FEEFHS, who coded the index into an HTML Web page for the Internet.


1. The index was created as close as possible to the original, so all the spelling differences that occur are as they appeared in the original. Some of the differences can be attributed to the Magyarization at that time, the use of the alphabet and spelling over the years, and occasionally to the interpretation of the register/index writer. 

2. In about 1832, it appears that a different index book was used for a few years and the paper had disintegrated, so that parts of the index were missing. In these cases, the register was used to reconstruct the index. So the index is as complete as it can be without recording the entire register.

3. The index will confirm for the researcher or genealogist the names of Zichydorfer and the year in which they their were baptized. This information can then be used to consult the microfilmed Zichydorf baptism register available at the Family History Center and focus in on the original baptism register record.

4. The microfilmed baptism register record provides detailed information including the entire date, age of the child, names of parents and Godparents, as well as the name of the priest.

