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Rayanne Melick

Rayanne Melick
Job Title
FEEFHS Registrar, Secretary

Family history is Rayanne’s passion! Her particular interest is Eastern European history and research, which initially started because of the crazy family surnames on her paternal lines. However, she loves dabbling in all areas of the world AND helping other people do the same. Rayanne also loves to travel. She is definitely a history nerd and loves to learn what makes other countries tick (probably a product of her degree in psychology and love of people in general)!

Rayanne is working her way through an Eastern Europe certificate program just for the fun of it and loving every moment. She is currently a volunteer in the BYU Family History Library, the Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group (UVTAGG), and is the registrar for the Foundation for East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS) organization. Last, but not least, Rayanne has the best job in the world...teaching seven little people (grandkids) to recognize and love their ancestors.