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Jane Neff Rollins

Jane Neff Rollins
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Jane Neff Rollins is a professional genealogist at Sherlock Combs Genealogy®. In addition to having 25+ years of personal research experience, Jane has conducted genealogical research at repositories in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, and Jerusalem, Israel. She is an alumna of ProGen Study Group 29 and a multi-year attendee of the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and SLIG Academy, the Forensic Genealogy Institute, and the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Society conferences.

Jane has lectured at the annual conferences of Federation of Genealogical Societies (2019), the National Genealogical Society (2018, 2021), the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Society’s (2012, Paris, France; 2013, Boston; 2014, Salt Lake City; 2015, Jerusalem, Israel; 2016, Seattle; 2019, Cleveland, 2021, Philadelphia), the Genealogy Jamboree (2016-19, 2021), the Northwest Genealogy Conference (2016), and at local genealogy societies throughout Southern California.

Jane’s articles have appeared in Avotaynu: The Review of Jewish GenealogyNGS MagazineFGS ForumCrossroads and other outlets. She received the FGS Forum Writer’s Award in 2020.

Jane is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, the National Genealogical Society, and several state and local genealogy societies.