Annette Unrau

As a native German from Hamburg, Annette takes immense interest in German genealogy, emigration and consulting others in discovering their heritage.
Tadeusz Pilat

Tadeusz was born in Silesia, Poland (previously Schlesien, Germany). He currently resides in eastern Poland and Germany.
Becky Adamson

Becky Adamson is an accredited Genealogist® for Scotland through ICAPGen and has been engaged in family history research for twenty years.
Gina Palmer

Gina Palmer, MS, AG®, an American native of Germany, moved to the United States to attend college. She first learned the old German script in third grade.
Charlotte Noelle Champenois

Charlotte Noelle Champenois, AG®, AGL™, originally from Allerød, Denmark, and a long-time resident of Utah, is accredited in Germany Northwest, Denmark
Craig Siulinski

Craig Siulinski is an experienced educator and writer, as well as an avid researcher and genealogist.
Edie Adam

Edie Adam is a first-generation American whose ancestors were German-speakers in Lithuania, East Prussia, Poland, Ukraine and Russia — so far.
Jane Neff Rollins
Jane Neff Rollins is a professional genealogist at Sherlock Combs Genealogy®.
Banai Feldstein

Banai is a professional genealogist based in Salt Lake City, Utah, specializing in Jewish and Eastern European research.
Beth Taylor

Beth Taylor, CGSM, works as a US/Canada Research Specialist at the Family History Library.