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Dr. Janette Silverman

Dr. Janette Silverman
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Dr. Janette Silverman is a professional genealogist, heading a team of researchers specializing in Eastern European and Jewish research at AncestryProGenealogists® the division of Ancestry® that does private client research. Her research on behalf of clients takes her all over the U.S. and Europe.

Janette holds a Doctorate in Jewish Studies from Spertus Institute. Her dissertation, "In Living Memory" explored her family's journey from Europe to the U.S. from the 1880s to the 1920s, contextualizing their experiences.

Her journey into genealogy began over 40 years ago as a hobby with her dad. It became an obsession and the two of them could be found at family gatherings asking endless questions. Her mom taught her to love jigsaw puzzles as a child. The lessons she learned from that are to look at problems and their solutions from many different angles.

Janette speaks at conferences all over the world virtually and  in person. She has published articles in The Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, The Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Avotaynu, and Galitzianer. She wrote “Genealogy at a Glance: Finding Eastern European Jewish Ancestors” as part of the Genealogy at a Glance series. Her book Stories They Never Told Me was published in August 2024 and is available in paperback and as an eBook. She travels extensively in Eastern Europe doing archival research and accompanying clients on visits to their ancestral villages.