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Galizien German Descendants Issues 13-24

Past Issues of the Galizien German Descendants Newsletter

GGD Newsletter #13 January 1998

Das Kolonisationswerk Josefs II. in Galizien by Ludwig Schneider - Chapter I - Introduction -- Chapter II Galicia until 1772 (LDS microfilm #1256477) translated by Leona Rosenmeier ... pages 1-7
Success Story by Beth Schmalenberg: Obtaining Records from the Zabuzanski Collection - Beth Schmalenberg The Records List of Evangelical Parishes in the Former East Galicia Villages in District of Wlodzimierz / Wladimir 7
Steinau - Surnames Found in the Village - by Dolores Schick - A Steinauer Family History - by Gunter Kunke - submitted and translated by Dolores Schick "Ortsplan von Steinau" + (map showing house locations) pages 8-13
Nobility in Your Tree - by Felix G. Game ... pages 13-15
Tid Bits / Fun (Redneck Family Tree, Dear Santa poem, Freedom of Infomation/Privacy Act) ... pages 15-16
Internet and E-mail Sites of Interest ... pages 16-17
News from Other Genealogical Societies ... page 17
Jewish Corner (Jewish Annual Seminar to be held July 12-17, 1998, Los Angeles) ... pages 17-18
Books, Articles, Microfilms, etc. of Interest ... pages 18-19
Sharing Our Heritage - and Village Coordinators - additions / corrections ... pages 19-20
Codes / Members' Addresses as of January 1998
Letter to Galizien German Descendants Members Only New position of Librarian; Galizien Research Guide (FEEFHS Convention Salt Lake City, September 1997)

Published by Galizien German Descendants, a member of FEEFHS (Federation of
East European Family History Societies) Betty Wray, Newsletter Editor/Secretary, 2035 Dorsch Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1126
President, Steven Stroud, 653 Douglas Avenue, Elgin Illinois 60120 -
Published quarterly: January, April, July, October (Cost US$15.00/yr subscription for US & Canada; overseas US$18.00)

GGD Newsletter #14 April 1998

Das Kolonisationswerk Josefs II. in Galizien by Ludwig Schneider - translated by Leona Rosenmeier
Chapter III - Galicia Under Austria (Emperor Josef II's First Tour of Galicia, The Settlement Clusters
Chapter IV - Organization of the Settlement Work
1. The Central Office
2. Administration & Technical Transactions
Letter and comments from Dr. Edward Brandt on Schneider and other topics
Some Galizien Families in the Bukovina - Irmgard Ellingson
Visiting My Ancestral Home (Einseidel, Falkenstein and Rosenberg) map & photos - by Gary Bergthold
"Nothing is Hopeless" and "The Austrian Census for Galicia" (Census Records in Galicia) by Gayle S. Riley
Genealogical Abbreviations and Symbols
Austrian Military Records
Resettlement Films - Steven Stroud
Internet & E-Mail Info
Tid Bits/Fun
Books of Interest
Searching Goeres and Friedhofer Family
Researchers in Galicia (seeking clients)
News from Other Genealogical Societies - Upcoming Convention (Cincinnati, Ohio 19-22 Aug.)
Sharing Our Heritage (additions/corrections to database)
Addresses of Members and Submitters (additions/corrections)
New IGI availabale. Data includes entries up to and including February 1997.
Zeitweiser Index (Index of all articles contained in the Zeitweiser books published by Hilfskomitees der Galiziendeutschen, Theodor-Veiel Str. 55, 70374 Stuttgart, Germany) Part I of 4. - Codes match up with members D1 - Dolores Duy; L4 - Brian Lenius; W1 - Evelyn Wolfer; & W5 - Betty Wray

GGD Newsletter # 15 - July 1998

Das Kolonisationswerk Josefs II. in Galizien by Ludwig Schneider - (LDS microfilm 1256477) Chapter V - Principles of the Founding, Chapter VI - Recruitment of the Colonists translated by Leona Rosenmeier
My Hometown of Neu-Kalusch and Map by Karl Strömich/Stroemich (from 1989 Zeitweiser) translated by R. Delwo
Where Have All the Ladies Gone? - by Robert W. Marlin (Originally published in Family Chronicle Nov/Dec 97)
Abschriften der im Galiziendeutschen Heimatarachiv befinden Einwohnen - Listen deutscher - Siedlungen in Galizien by Ernest Hexel, January 1974 "Abstracts of the residences found in the "Homeland Archives" of Galician Germans - Lists of German Settlements in Galicia" - review of LDS film 127006 by Betty Wray
Success Story by Jean McNally
Success Story for Lynn Baumel and Edna Walker
Progress Report on the Indexing of the Resettlement Films - Steve Stroud
Some Other Sources:
1. Deaths of Soldiers of WW I.
2. US Selective Service System.
3. NARA & INS info
16-18 Internet and E-mail Sites of Interest
Country of Bukovina
News from Other Genealogical Societies -
1. Salt Lake City FHL Source Guide
2. Records from the Polish State Archives
3. FEEFHS - Re: Ahnenstammkartei Indexing Project Progress Report - Part of Film 1981704 (first indexing) Now posted on the FEEFHS website at
4. Miscellaneous other Societies
Tid Bits & Fun
Books of Interest
Morton Allen Ship Directory and St. Alben's Directory
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Immigration and Naturalization Service Records Indexing Project
Zeitweiser Index - Second installment. (Index of all articles contained in the Zeitweiser books published by Hilfskomitees der Galiziendeutschen, Theodor - Veiel Str. 55, 70375 Stuttgart, Germany) Part 2 of 4 - To order copies the codes match up with members D1 = Dolores Duy; L4 = Brian Lenius; W1 Evelyn Wolfer; W5 = Betty Wray whose addresses are found in Update of Members & Submitters List.
Sharing Our Heritage - as of July 1998 - separate attachment
Yearly Update of Members and Submitters to Sharing Our Heritage - separate attachment.

GGD Newsletter #16 - October 1998

Kolonizationwerks Josefs II im Galizien by Ludwig Schneider (LDS film 1256477) translation and editing credits to Leona and Fred and Terry Rosenmeier and Eve Rowley. Chapter VI - Handbillet der Kaiserin or "Communique from the Empress St. Arch. Nr. 2155 Caale of 1775" Chapter VII - Layout of the Colonies and Buildings ... 1-5
ZEITWEISER 1997 pages 113-118 "The History of the Protestant Parish of Hohenbach" by Leopold Wech (translated by Dolores Duy and Ella Numerich ... 5-8
The Manz Family in East Galica and Bukovina 150 Years Ago from Wilhelm Messner's book >i>Die Schwäbische-Pfälzische Bauernsiedlung - Deutsch Tereblestie. (Heubach / Württemberg, Germany: 1985) pages 191-194 translated / edited by Irmgard Hein Ellingson with a map of Bukovina 1910 and German Settlements in Bukovina map ... 
The Other Palatines in America - Ed Brandt (reprinted from The Palatine Immigrant, Spring 1991) ... 13-15
Members' Comments and Success Stories: Richard Graumann - Bandrow; Dolores Schick & Fay Jordaens on surname Schmal; Daniel Bogdan - Baznowka and Nowosielce; Glen Linscheid on surname Brubacher);
Update by Gelsendorf Village Coordinator Tania Turner for Birth, Marriages & Death
Records; John Schmidt Needs medical help for improvement of Dermatology in Lviv ... 15-17
E-MAIL AND INTERNET INFO: Vital Records Site; Suggestions on How to Label Photographs; WW II
Draft Registrations, Immigration & Naturalization Service address; Austrian Military Records; On-Line
Translation Services; Translating Letters from the Polish National Archives;Ellis Island
Searchable Database; Ortsliste Galizien villages Polish & German spellings ... 17 - 19
News of Conventions/Reunions - Darfur, MN ... 19 - 20
Call for papers from Eastern European Folk Art, Folk Culture and Folk Ritual Jan 15 - 17, 1999 ... 22
SHARING OUR HERITAGE: Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions ... 23
Member Name, Home and E-Mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions ... 23 - 24
Zeitweiser Index - Part 3 - If you wish any article, contact member (code on right- W1, W5, L4, D1)

GGD Newsletter #17 - January 1999

Kolonizationswerks of Josefs II in Galizien Chapter 8 - Achievements of the Colonists ... 1-3
Taxes, Forced Labor, Abolition and Cultivation
We Too, Were To Be Resettled - by Horst Senft & translated by Heinz Mueller 4-5
A Century in the West - Life of a Pioneer Woman - Mary Popp's Story - written by Mary Popp (includes pedigree charts Lowenberger, Dressler, Nerbass, Hettenbach, Baumung, Busch, Haas, Dressler, Geib, Schappert, Koch all from Landestreu, Galicia & edited by Don Layh) Includes pedigrees and Index of names found within the book ... 5-13
Bruckenthal 1772 - from the 1940 Zeitweiser - by Anton Scheller, translated by M. Corcoran ... 13-15
Josefsberg ein Pfalzisches Dorf in Galizien - A contribution to the history of emigrants from Palatinate. List of settlers for houses #2 - 90 & includes their village of birth. Translated by Erich Slawski - and Letter from Georg Heuchert of Josefsberg dtd 1909 On Fire Within The Village ... 15-17
Tid-Bits & Fun - Christmas Story and Murphy's Law of Genealogy, FOIA, Morton Allen Directory ... 16 & 19
News from Other Genealogical Societies ... 19
1911 Canadian Census Index ... 19
Map of Galicia ... 22
Messages from Members & Status on Resettlement Film Indexing ... 21 - 22
Galizien Recipes ... 23
Gazetteer of former Galicia and Bukovina ... 23
Upcoming Conventions ... 24
SHARING OUR HERITAGE: Member Name, Home and E-Mail Addresses / Updates) ... 24 - 26
Surnames and Villages - additions to database)

GGD Newsletter #18 - April 1999

Kolonizationswerks of Josefs II in Galizien, Chapter 9 - Poverty and Hardship by Ludwig Schneider (LDS microfilm 1256477) translated by Leona Rosenmeier
Recollections of Bandrow - By Ernst H.and Edward T. Ackermann (includes a map and photos of Bandrow, names found in the Schneider work (above), parish records, members ancestral pedigrees.
Books of Interst - Dornfelder Kirchenbuch, Einwohner von Ugartsthal & Landestreu, etc.
E-Mail and Internet Info:
Tid Bits & Fun, Bits & Pieces: Dear Ancestor Poem; A word to the wise - a sad experience in archival request; For Whatever This is Worth, Is there a Card Index on Passenger Lists? Bremen & Other Ship Passenger Lines, etc.
More Genealogical Sources of Interest: Using MARC Record - Machine
Readable Cataloging and US Gen Web Census Project.
Variants of Given Names
From Bukovina to Canada & America - Part I. Autobiography of Frederick S. Schmal - shared with us by Fay Schmal Jordaens
News from Other Genealogical Societies.
Success Stories - Maray Corcoran and DeFea family.
Sharing Our Heritage: Surnames, Villages & Members Codes / Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & Email Addresses/Corrections & Additions

GGD Newsletter #19 - July 1999

Hohenbach (The Former Settlements of Joseph II in the Weichsel - San Triangle) written by Joseph Hessler, and translated by Steven Stroud. Also includes former inhabitants from Schneider's work 1790-1820 as well as WW II Era 1940
Map of settlers living in Hohenbach, Kreis Mielec � Evangelische Gemeinde - source, the Zeitweiser
Data obtained from Resettlement films incorporated into Stroud�s database from the former Inhabitants of Hohenbach � includes their domicile connections and familial connections
Continuation of Shared Ahnentafels and Pedigrees from members with ancestry from Hohenbach
From Bukovina to Canada and America, "Part II" Autobiography of Frederick W. Schmal Shared with us by Fay Schmal Jordaens Serfdom A review of several books on the subject (Part 1) - (Part II in October)
Report on Austrian Census Records Available in Poland and Ukraine Archives - Gayle Riley & FEEFHS
E-Mail & Internet Information
News from other Genealogical Sources
FEEFHS Convention at AirTel Hotel, Van Nuys, CA
Sharing Our Heritage
Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions

GGD Newsletter #20 - October 1999

Kolonisationwerks of Josef II in Galizien "Chapter 10" - The Second Settlement Period 1802 until 1805 (by Ludwig Schneider from LDS microfilm 1256477) - translated by Leona Rosenmeier
Beckersdorf (translated from Zeitweiser article) "History, List of Original Heads of Households 1787, Village Map (Ortsplot) about 1939, Odenbreits / Ottenbreits pedigrees
Galizien History: partial translation from the Homeland Archive "The Daum Family Tree" Galizien Germans by Ernst Hexel (translated by Sylvia Cronin)
Galizien Village Genealogies Databases held by Kathy Enders from Manfred Daum"
Brigidau, Gassendorf, Neudorf, Gelsendorf, Engelsberg, Ugartsberg
Trip to Michalowka (includes a map) by relatives of member Lorne and Georgina Edwards
Immanual Evangelical Lutheran Church in Landestreu, Saskatchewn 1895-1970
News from The Carpathian Heritage Society - (rebuilding Bandrow) Agnieszka Lopata
News from other Genealogical Sources: Family History Library: "Family Search"; Bukovina Society Newsletter, Ontario Genealogical Society "Release of Post 1901 Census"; Pedigree Collapse; Books held by SGS Library Regina; FEEFHS Journal articles, etc.
Internet & E-Mail Information Contacting Polish Archives to do Research; Making Your Computer Keyboard International; URL addresses, etc.
Bits & Pieces Fun "Poems" In Memorium Neal Ender
Kandels in Landestreu Edward Brandt
Books of Interest
Success Stories from Members
Birthdays & Deaths listed in Das Heilige Band May & June 1999
Hohenbach "continued Pedigrees - Carol Leonard" see Newsletter #19 for Hohenbach article
General Interest Messages Sent to GGD from members
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions

GGD Newsletter #21 - January 2000

Kolonisationwerks of Josef II in Galizien: Chapter 11 - Private Colonization, with map of Beckersdorf, Bedrykowce
Dobrowlany (Ludwig Schneider on LDS microfilm 1256477) - translated compliments of Maury Gauer
The German Migration to the East by Jerry Frank (with permission from author and FEEFHS, was previously published in FEEFHS Journal Vol. 7, #1 and 2)
Padew, Reichsheim, Schonager, Hohenbach and related map (article sent in by Carol Leonard)
Descendency charts of members ancestors: (Fred Wilhelmi, Lillian Pelzer, George Croake)
Map of Padew in 1908 from recollection of John Numrich
Photos of Reichsheim, Padew, Hohenbach/Czermin (sent in by Carol Leonard)
Reichsheim, Padew and Hohenbach House/Inhabitants List 1780-90 and 1829-33)
Pedigree Chart of Heinz Mueller's family
Government's Internment of Ukrainian Canadians in Concentration Camps in Canada during the period of 1914-1920 - and allied article - The Artificial Famine in Ukraine 1932-33
Email & Internet: 1903 Project Passenger Lists, Resettlement Records, Maps, German Lineage Books
Books of Interest
Tid Bits & Fun: A Brother's Song, Having a Reunion, Rekindling Traditions of Christmases Past
Births & Deaths from Das Heilige Band issues September and October 1999
News from Other Genealogical Societies (includes trips to Galicia and another excursion to Bukovina)
Success Stories- Tressie Cronin, Alicia Philipp, Carl Ulmer, Judy Kidd, Ron Becker
Sharing Our Heritage - Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections and Additions
Obtaining and Using Army Maps of Galicia: LDS microfiche 6000198-6000339
Photos from Lorne Edward's family trip to Michaelowka (see Oct. 1999 Newsletter #20 article) 

GGD Newsletter #22 - April 2000

Kolonisationwerks of Josef II in Galizien "Chapter 12" - The Colonization and the Jewish Question. (by Ludwig Schneider from LDS microfilm 1256477) - translated by Leona & Fred Rosenmeier Königsau "In Königsau It Was Simply Splendid" by Johannes Bill Zeitweiser 1971 (condensed)
Plot Map of village of K�nigsau (last page)
Location of Vital Records for Medenice, Königsau / Rowne Appendix to the Contribution by Maria Schuster, Zeitweiser
der Galiziendeutschen 1998.
Places of Origin of the Königsau Families for time periods 1787, 1820, 1939 / 1940 by Maria Schuster
Names on the Gravestones, Königsau Cemetery (Rowne, Ukraine) September 1999, Maria Schuster
Cousins Explained, chart showing family relationships and how to figure it all out
Meyers Ortslexikon (How to Use It) by Fay Deardon
Gemeinde Lexikons in German Research (How to Use It) by Fay S. Dearden
Brigidau, Dornfeld, Engelsberg, Gassendorf, Gelsendorf, Neudorf, Ugartsberg, and Ugartsthal / Landestreu Databases available, contact Kathy Enders
Tid-Bits & Fun: Family Tree Poem; How Do You Live Your Dash?;
Ground Hog Day Traditions
News from Other Genealogical Societies
Federation of Genealogical Societies Convention, Salt Lake City, UT 6-9 Sep 2000
No More Canadian Census Ever To Be Released
Ship's Passenger Lists to 1935. Available at National Archives of Canada
Internet and E-Mail Information
Books of Interest
Success Story in writing to Galiziendeutsches Heimatarchiv in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Henry Trapp
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections & Additions
Address and Information to Order Heimatbooks and Zeitweisers, etc., Map of Königsau

GGD Newsletter #23 - July 2000

Kolonisationwerks of Josef II in Galizien "Chapter 13" The Opposition of the Polish Aristocracy (by Ludwig Schneider from LDS microfilm 1256477) - translated by Leona & Fred Rosenmeier
Kaisersdorf - List of Inhabitants of Kaisersdorf in 1939
- submitted by Cynthia McEachern
L. Schneider's Das Kolonisationwerks Josef II in Galizien: Surveys in 1788 & 1820
Small map of Galicia indicating location of Kaisersdorf
Cynthia McEachern's ancestors (Ahnentafel)
Photos from Kaisersdorf
Pedigree Chart and Descendency Lists from members: Bahnck, McNamara and Wray ancestors from Kaisersdorf and environs
Article from Zeitweiser 1969 pages 81-102 on Kaisersdorf,
translated by Daniela Martin, then condensed
The Strength from the Past translated from the German Spiegel by Julius & Edith (Forrer) Butz Submitted by Glenn Linscheid and Gustav Bachman of Auckland, NZ.
Cooking, Eating and Drinking in the Zipser Village of Eisenau in Bukovina by Renate Geschwendtner, translated by: Dr. Sophie A. Welisch (originally published in the Bukovina Society of the Americas Newsletter Vol. 10, #4, December 1999  with permission of the Society and the author)
Konigsau, Galizien Reunion in Ostrau, Germany 2 September 2000.
Poem sent in by Dolly Duy, author unknown, Your Tombstone
FEEFHS Genealogical Convention 2000 - Salt Lake City, Utah 22-24 September
Books Of Interest
Success Stories and Messages from Members
CD's containing extracted genealogical data are now available on selected Galizien villages from the Hilfskomitee, Stuttgart, Germany - How to order
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members
Codes/Corrections & Additions
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions

GGD Newsletter #24 - October 2000 (30 pages)

Mariahilf, Established in 1811, written by Sigmund Kolmer
Chapter: Settlements of the Böhmerwalder in Galizien submitted by Otto Weber and translated by Daniella Martin. Includes map of Bukovina showing Böhmerwalder area, Neuhütte, Alth&uu,l;tte, Putna and Karlsberg, etc. Maps of Mariahilf showing family domiciles.
A Visit to the Village of Angelowka, Galicia, Ukraine Ted Reznowski. Includes a list of Inhabitants circa 1845 and second list corresponding to Cadastre maps of 1879.
"Bohemian Ancestors Emigrate to Eastern Galicia, Failing to Notify Descendants", a Case Study in Czech Research by James Pelikan and Duncan B. Gardiner, PhD, CG, AG (previously published in FEEFHS Quarterly Vol. 7, #1-2, Spring/Summer 1999)
1890 Immigrants from Austria, Poland, and Galicia by Dr. Howard M. Relles
Possible Trip to the Ukraine, Neudorf, Konigsau, etc. May 2001
LDS and Family History Library News
New Pedigree Resource File on 10 CD-ROMs can be ordered from the LDS Distribution Center
Family History Library Catalog now available on CD-ROM for $5.00 from LDS Distribution Center
Internet & E-mail News
Excerpts from the Lives of the Mess Family in Dolina, Galicia and North Dakota
Tid-Bits & Fun - How to figure cousins and other relationships
Success Stories and Messages from Members
