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Die Ahnenstammkartei Indexing Project: FHL Microfilm 1981704

Index to AL-11392: Carsted submission (FHL Microfilm 1981704)
Pedigrees from the "Second Filming" of Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes


FEEFHS extends its sincere thanks to Tim Presber, a FEEFHS volunteer indexer of Calgary, Alberta, Canada for indexing this film. He used a laptop computer at the Calgary Family History Center. This is the fifth indexing "work product" of Project A-2 (the second filming of die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes) and the first indexing project of the entire collection.


die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes (about 1240 microfilm reels) is the largest German pedigree collection extant. This film comes from a "second filming" of pedigrees from Die Ahnenstammkartei. This second filming consists of 19 Microfilms (numbers 1981701 through 1981719).

Contents of This Film

This film is known to contain the pedigrees of 13 families. This file is of the third pedigree, submitted by Rita Presber, geborn (nee) Ebert. It is of hermaiden surname Ebert line; no Presbers are listed. Sebnitz, Ubersdorf, Zwickau and othe locations are in Sachsen (Saxony).

Understanding the Format Below

  • Surname, First Name ... an traditional alphabetical listing of all persons included.
  • Vital Date - given to help identify the given individual.
    • B = Birth
    • M = Marriage
    • D = Death
    • Example: 1783B = born in 1783
  • NW =?
  • OB = ?
  • UM = ?
  • Location: Where the vital event took place (somewhere in the German Empire).
  • Ahnentafeln (AL) Manuscript Number: The manuscript number given to this pedigree by the Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogy in Leipzig Germany where this collection was microfilmed.

Surname, Given Name ... Vital Date ... Location ... Ahnentafeln (AL) Number

Ahred, Elisabeth ... 1729B ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Ahred, Elisabeth ... 1791D ... ... 11392
Ahred, Elisabeth ... 1747M ... ... 11392
Ahred, Thies ... M ... ... 11392

Ballerstedt, Catharina ... 1470B ... Osterburg ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Catharina ... 1500D ... ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Catharina ... 1490M ... ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Hans II ... 1435B ... ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Hans II ... 1509D ... ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Claus ... 1375B ... ... 11392
Ballerstedt, Claus ... 1433D ... ... 11392
Baumeister, Anna Catharina ... 1691B ... Wesel ... 11392
Baumeister, Anna Catharina ... M ... ... 11392
Baumeister, Johann ... M ... ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Marie Sophie ... 1803B ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Marie Sophie ... 1879D ... K�then (Koethen / Kothen), Anhalt ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Marie Sophie ... 1836M ... Gnewitz (UM) ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Christian ... 1756B ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Christian ... 1794M ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Beier (Beyer). Johann II ... M ... ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Johann ... 1696B ... ... 11392
Beier (Beyer), Johann ... 1771D ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Dorothea ... 1602B ... Rathenow ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Dorothea ... 1659D ... Spandau ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Dorothea ... M ... Spandau ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Dorothea ... 1632M ... Spandau ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Cristoph ... M ... ... 11392
Bergemann (Bergmann), Henning ... M ... ... 11392
B�ckler (Boeckler / Bockler), Dorothea Elisabeth ... 1763D ... Templin ... 11392
B�ckler (Boeckler / Bockler), Dorothea Elisabeth ... 1733M ... Templin ... 11392
B�ckler (Boeckler / Bockler), Dorothea Elisabeth ... 1749N ... Templin ... 11392
Bohm, Dorothea Christiana ... 1772B ... Templin ... 11392
Bohm, Dorothea Christiana ... 1832D ... Templin ... 11392
Bohm, Dorothea Christiana ... 1822M ... Berlin ... 11392
Bohm, Martin Christian Dietrich ... 1740B ... Templin ... 11392
Bohm, Martin Christian Dietrich ... 1766M ... Templin ... 11392
Bohm, Georg Dietrich ... M ... ... 11392
Bremer, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Broders, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Br�sicke (Broesicke / Brosicke), Anna ... B ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Br�sicke (Broesicke / Brosicke), Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Ursula ... 1520M ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Werner ... 1470B ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Werner ... 1543D ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Werner ... 1515M ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Heinrich ... 1440B ... ... 11392
Buchholtz, Heinrich ... 1502D ... Stendal ... 11392
Buchholtz, Caspar ... 1440M ... ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Dorothea Elisabeth ... 1660B ... ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Dorothea Elisabeth ... 1677M ... Berlin ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Johannes ... 1629B ... Neu-Rippin ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Johannes ... 1674D ... Berlin ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Johannes ... 1657M ... Spandau ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Joachim ... 1590B ... Wansdorf, Kries Nauen ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Joachim ... 1649D ... ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Joachim ... 1621M ... ... 11392
Buntebarth (Buntebart), Heinrich ... M ... ... 11392
Busse, Clara ... 1767D ... ... 11392
Busse, Clara ... M ... ... 11392
B�ttner (Buettner / Buttner), Anna Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392

Carsted, Georg-Wilhelm ... 1930B ... Wriezen (Oder) ... 11392
Carsted, Georg-Wilhelm ... 1954M ... Winnipeg ... 11392
Carsted, Franz Hermann Georg ... 1899B ... Lychen (UM) ... 11392
Carsted, Franz Hermann Georg ... 1964D ... Aurich ... 11392
Carsted, Franz Hermann Georg ... 1929M ... Lychen ... 11392
Carsted, Georg Hermann ... 1868B ... Elsigk ... 11392
Carsted, Georg Hermann ... 1935D ... Hohenlychen ... 11392
Carsted, Georg Hermann ... 1898M ... Lychen ... 11392
Carsted, Hermann Carl ... 1836B ... Warthe (UM) ... 11392
Carsted, Hermann Carl ... 1915D ... Eberswalde ... 11392
Carsted, Hermann Carl ... 1867M ... Lychen ... 11392
Carsted, Carl Gustav ... 1798B ... Wichmannsdorf ... 11392
Carsted, Carl Gustav ... 1888D ... Prenzlau ... 11392
Carsted, Carl Gustav ... 1832M ... Berlin ... 11392
Carsted, Nicolaus Samuel ... 1761B ... Lychen ... 11392
Carsted, Nicolaus Samuel ... 1845D ... Prenzlau ... 11392
Carsted, Nicolaus Samuel ... 1791M ... Sternhagen ... 11392
Carsted, Christoph Daniel ... 1724B ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Carsted, Christoph Daniel ... 1787D ... Wichmannsdorf ... 11392
Carsted, Christoph Daniel ... 1758M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Carsted, Johann Caspar ... 1684B ... Bismark ... 11392
Carsted, Johann Caspar ... 1752D ... Berlin ... 11392
Carsted, Johann Caspar ... 1716M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Carsted, Joachim ... 1653B ... Osterburg ... 11392
Carsted, Joachim ... 1739D ... Bismark ... 11392
Carsted, Joachim ... 1680M ... Bismark ... 11392
Carsted, Daniel ... 1611B ... ... 11392
Carsted, Daniel ... 1681D ... ... 11392
Carsted, Daniel ... 1637M ... ... 11392
Carsted, Johannes ... 1568B ... Stendal ... 11392
Carsted, Johannes ... 1637D ... ... 11392
Carsted, Johannes ... 1596M ... ... 11392
Carsted, Johann ... 1530B ... ... 11392
Carsted, Johann ... 1600D ... ... 11392
Carsted, Johann ... M ... ... 11392
Curdes, Margaretha ... 1495B ... Osterburg ... 11392
Curdes, Margaretha ... 1526D ... Stendal ... 11392
Curdes, Margaretha ... 1520M ... ... 11392
Curdes, Wilke (Wilhelm) ... 1514D ... ... 11392

Damen, Maria Elisabeth ... 1812D ... Zellin ... 11392
Damen, Maria Elisabeth ... 1786M ... Zellin ... 11392
Densow, Catharina Dorothea ... M ... ... 11392
Dietrich, Margaretha ... 1653B ... Bismark ... 11392
Dietrich, Margaretha ... 1696D ... ... 11392
Dietrich, Margaretha ... 1680M ... Bismark ... 11392
Deitrich, Jacob ... 1623B ... Bismark ... 11392
Deitrich, Jacob ... 1649M ... ... 11392
Dietrich, Peter ... M ... ... 11392
Dresser, Johanna Dorothea Wilhelmine ... 1806B ... Berlin ... 11392
Dresser, Johanna Dorothea Wilhelmine ... 1858D ... Falkenwalde ... 11392
Dresser, Johanna Dorothea Wilhelmine ... 1832M ... Berlin ... 11392
Dresser, Samuel ... 1762B ... Gerdauen, Ostpr ... 11392
Dresser, Samuel ... 1822D ... Berlin ... 11392
Dresser, Samuel ... 1804M ... Berlin ... 11392
Dresser, Samuel ... M ... ... 11392

Elsholz, Maria ... 1789B ... Zellin (NW) ... 11392
Elsholz, Maria ... 1823D ... Gross-Neuendorf ... 11392
Elsholz, Maria ... 1816M ... ... 11392
Elsholz, Adam ... 1786M ... Zellin ... 11392

Fathman (Fattmann), Elisabeth ... 1580D ... Stendal ... 11392
Fathman (Fattmann), Elisabeth ... 1575M ... ... 11392
Fathman (Fattmann), Hans ... M ... ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Elisabeth ... 1640B ... Spandau ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Elisabeth ... 1681D ... Spandau ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Elisabeth ... 1657D ... Spandau ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Andreas ... 1604B ... Berlin ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Andreas ... 1676D ... Spandau ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Andreas ... 1632M ... Spandau ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Jacobus ... B ... Wusterhausen ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Jacobus ... M ... ... 11392
Fromme (Frahme), Andreas ... M ... ... 11392

Gesenius, Anna Margarethe ... 1667B ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Anna Margarethe ... 1706D ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Anna Margarethe ... M ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Joachim ... 1599B ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Joachim ... 1665D ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Joachim ... M ... ... 11392
Gesenius, Michael ... 1612D ... ... 11392
Gluer, Charlotte Dorothea ... 1724B ... Kuhz (UM) ... 11392
Gluer, Charlotte Dorothea ... M ... ... 11392
Gluer, Michael ... 1691B ... Teltow ... 11392
Gluer, Michael ... 1758D ... Kuhz ... 11392
Gluer, Michael ... M ... ... 11392
Gluer, Johann Michael ... M ... ... 11392
Gobbin, Maria Dorothea ... 1750B ... Templin ... 11392
Gobbin, Maria Dorothea ... 1790D ... ... 11392
Gobbin, Maria Dorothea ... 1766M ... Templin ... 11392
Gobbin, Friedrich Samuel ... M ... ... 11392
Gr�ulich (Graeulich / Graulich), Maria ... M ... ... 11392
Gysse, Johanna Dorothea ... 1771B ... Kuhz (UM) ... 11392
Gysse, Johanna Dorothea ... 1834D ... Blindlow (UM) ... 11392
Gysse, Johanna Dorothea ... 1791M ... Sternhagen ... 11392
Gysse, Johann Joachim ... 1729B ... Wriezen ... 11392
Gysse, Johann Joachim ... 1783D ... Kuhz ... 11392
Gysse, Johann Joachim ... 1762M ... Kr�chlendorf (Kroechlendorf / Kroechlendorf) ... 11392
Gysse, Johann Joachim ... M ... ... 11392

Hartwig, Anna Maria ... 1768B ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Hartwig, Anna Maria ... 1794M ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Hartwig, Matthias ... 1719B ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Hartwig, Matthias ... 1776D ... ... 11392
Hartwig, Matthias ... 1747M ... ... 11392
Harwig, Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
Harwig, Margaretha ... 1647M ... ... 11392
Heidge, Maria Dorothee ... m ... ... 11392
Heimburger, Dorothea Elisabeth Henriette ... 1746B ... Sternhagen (UM) ... 11392
Heimburger, Dorothea Elisabeth Henriette ... 1817D ... Prenzlau ... 11392
Heimburger, Dorothea Elisabeth Henriette ... 1762M ... Kr�chlendorf (Kroechlendorf / Kroechlendorf) ... 11392
Heimburger, Johann Melchior ... 1715B ... Wesel ... 11392
Heimburger, Johann Melchior ... 1781D ... Sternhagen ... 11392
Heimburger, Johann Melchior ... M ... ... 11392
Heimburger, Joachim Christoph ... 1680B ... Berlin ... 11392
Heimburger, Joachim Christoph ... M ... ... 11392
Heimburger, Daniel David ... 1647B ... Quedlinburg ... 11392
Heimburger, Daniel David ... 1691D ... Berlin ... 11392
Heimburger, Daniel David ... 1677M ... Berlin ... 11392
Heimburger, Christoph ... 1657D ... ... 11392
Heimburger, Christoph ... 1647M ... ... 11392
Heimburger, David ... M ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Elisabeth Dorothee ... 1868B ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Elisabeth Dorothee ... 1945D ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Elisabeth Dorothee ... 1898M ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Georg Carl Franz ... 1840B ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Georg Carl Franz ... 1923D ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann (Hentzelmann), Georg Carl Franz ... 1869M ... Dabelow (Meckl.) ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Anna Dorothea Henriette ... 1843B ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Anna Dorothea Henriette ... 1913D ... Eberswalde ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Anna Dorothea Henriette ... 1867M ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Georg Samuel ... 1801B ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Georg Samuel ... 1871D ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Georg Samuel ... 1836M ... Gnewitz ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Jakob Sigismund ... 1753B ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Jakob Sigismund ... 1807D ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Jakob Sigismund ... 1792M ... Templin ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... 1723B ... Carwitz ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... 1793D ... Lychen ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... 1748M ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... 1698B ... Strasburg ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... 1748D ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann Friedrich ... M ... ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes Bernardus ... 1655B ... Berlin ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes Bernardus ... 1712D ... Strasburg ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes Bernardus ... 1681M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes ... 1626B ... Brelau ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes ... 1687D ... Salzwedel ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes ... 1652M ... Berlin ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johannes ... 1675M ... Kalbe (Milde) ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Bartholom�us (Bartholomaeus / Bartholomaus) ... 1603B ... Breslau ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Bartholom�us (Bartholomaeus / Bartholomaus) ... 1623M ... Breslau ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann ... 1546B ... Buchwald ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann ... 1607D ... Breslau ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Johann ... 1594M ... Breslau ... 11392
Heinzelmann, Matz (Matthias) ... 1585D ... Buchwald ... 11392
Heldt, Johanna Charlotte ... 1848D ... Gr�ntal (Gruental / Gruntal) ... 11392
Heldt, Johanna Charlotte ... M ... ... 11392
Helms, Katharina Maria Sophia ... 1773B ... Blankensee, Mecklenberg ... 11392
Helms, Katharina Maria Sophia ... 1852D ... Dabelow ... 11392
Helms, Katharina Maria Sophia ... M ... ... 11392
Henseler, Dorothea Charlotte Henriette ... 1841B ... Dabelow ... 11392
Henseler, Dorothea Charlotte Henriette ... 1927D ... Lychen ... 11392
Henseler, Dorothea Charlotte Henriette ... 1869M ... Dabelow ... 11392
Henseler, Friedrich Johann Karl ... 1803B ... Dabelow ... 11392
Henseler, Friedrich Johann Karl ... 1877D ... ... 11392
Henseler, Friedrich Johann Karl ... 1834M ... Dabelow ... 11392
Henseler, Johann Georg ... 1765B ... Dabelow ... 11392
Henseler, Johann Georg ... 1826D ... ... 11392
Henseler, Johann Georg ... M ... ... 11392
Henseler, Sophia Christina ... M ... ... 11392
Hermann, Juliane Luise Marie ... 1837B ... K�nigsberg (Koenigsberg / Konigsberg) ... 11392
Hermann, Juliane Luise Marie ... 1915D ... ... 11392
Hermann, Juliane Luise Marie ... 1864M ... Freienwalde ... 11392
Hermann, Johann Christian ... B ... Bernikow ... 11392
Hermann, Johann Christian ... 1848D ... K�nigsberg (Koenigsberg / Konigsberg) (NM) ... 11392
Hermann, Johann Christian ... M ... ... 11392
Hesse, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Hitschker, Marg(arethe) ... M ... ... 11392
Homburg, Anna Catharina ... M ... ... 11392

Junge, Anna ... 1601B ... Schleswig ... 11392
Junge, Anna ... 1643D ... Hamburg ... 11392
Junge, Anna ... 1621M ... Hamburg ... 11392
Junge, Nicolaus ... 1614D ... Hamburg ... 11392
Junge, Nicolaus ... M ... ... 11392
Junge, Carsten ... 1599D ... Schlichting ... 11392
Junge, Carsten ... M ... ... 11392

Katzke, Maria ... 1745B ... Ortwig ... 11392
Katzke, Maria ... 1768M ... ... 11392
Katzke, Ju�rgen (Juergen / Jurgen) ... M ... ... 11392
Klein, Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
Klessen, Katharina ... 1610B ... ... 11392
Klessen, Katharina ... M ... ... 11392
Klessen, Simon ... B ... Garz ... 11392
Klessen, Simon ... 1630D ... ... 11392
Klessen, Simon ... 1581D ... ... 11392
K�ckte (Koeckte / Kockte), Anna ... M ... ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Martha ... 1577B ... Breslau ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Martha ... 1640D ... ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Martha ... M ... ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Caspar ... 1547B ... Breslau ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Caspar ... 1603D ... ... 11392
K�gel (Koegel / Kogel), Caspar ... M ... ... 11392
K�ppen (Koeppen / Koppen), Clara ... M ... ... 11392
Kraut, Anna ... 1600D ... ... 11392
Kraut, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Kreth, Gisela ... M ... ... 11392
Kroer, Hanna Charlotte Henriette ... 1813B ... Heegerm�hle (Heegermuehle / Heegermuhle) ... 11392
Kroer, Hanna Charlotte Henriette ... 1868D ... Freienwalde ... 11392
Kroer, Hanna Charlotte Henriette ... 1844M ... Finow ... 11392
Kroer, Carl Friedrich ... 1814M ... Heegerm�hle (Heegermuehle / Heegermuhle) ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Charlotte Sophie ... 1768B ... Templin ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Charlotte Sophie ... 1851D ... Lychen ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Charlotte Sophie ... 1792M ... Templin ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Johann Detloff ... 1742B ... Templin ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Johann Detloff ... 1793D ... ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Johann Detloff ... 1765M ... Lychen ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Martin ... 1748D ... Templin ... 11392
Kr�sing (Kroesing / Krosing), Martin ... 1733M ... Templin ... 11392
Kr�ger (Krueger / Kruger), Margarethe ... M ... ... 11392

Lampe, Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
Lampe, Heinrich ... M ... ... 11392
Lange, Dorothea Sophia Elisabeth ... 1786B ... Comthurey, Mecklenburg ... 11392
Lange, Dorothea Sophia Elisabeth ... 1823D ... Dabelow ... 11392
Lange, Dorothea Sophia Elisabeth ... 1804M ... ... 11392
Lange, Michael Daniel ... 1804D ... ... 11392
Lange, Michael Daniel ... M ... ... 11392
Lange, Sophie Elisabeth ... 1709B ... ... 11392
Lange, Sophie Elisabeth ... 1727M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Lange, Sophie Elisabeth ... 1737M ... ... 11392

Mahnitz, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Masendorf, Catharina ... M ... ... 11392
Maue (Mave), Elisabeth ... B ... Aschersleben ... 11392
Maue (Mave), Elisabeth ... D ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Maue (Mave), Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
M�ller (Moeller / Moller), Agatha ... M ... ... 11392
M�llers (Moellers / Mollers), Catharina ... 1570B ... ... 11392
M�llers (Moellers / Mollers), Catharina ... 1586M ... Bismark ... 11392
M�llers (Moellers / Mollers), Hans ... 1568M ... ... 11392
M�ring (Moering / Moring), Dorothea ... M ... ... 11392
M�ring (Moering / Moring), Niclas ... 1580M ... ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Emma Bertha Eizabeth ... 1872B ... Freienwalde ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Emma Bertha Eizabeth ... 1956D ... Aurich ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Emma Bertha Eizabeth ... 1895M ... Wriezen ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Wilhelm Gustav Karl ... 1841B ... Finow ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Wilhelm Gustav Karl ... 1912D ... Wriezen ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Wilhelm Gustav Karl ... 1864M ... Freienwalde ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Friedrich Heinrich August ... 1876D ... Freienwalde ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Friedrich Heinrich August ... 1844M ... Finow ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Johann Heinrich August ... 1856D ... Gr�ntal (Gruental / Gruntal) (Mark) ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Johann Heinrich August ... M ... ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Margareta Sophia ... 1699B ... ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Margareta Sophia ... 1754D ... Carwitz ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Margareta Sophia ... M ... ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Friedrich ... 1722D ... Triepkendorf ... 11392
M�ller (Mueller / Muller), Friedrich ... M ... ... 11392

Pernitz, Dorothea ... 1684D ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Pernitz, Dorothea ... 1673M ... ... 11392
Pulmann, Anna ... M ... ... 11392

Rabe, Eva ... M ... ... 11392
Reumann, Anna Dorothea ... 1785B ... Nettsch�tz (Nettschuetz / Nettschutz), Kreis Freystadt ... 11392
Reumann, Anna Dorothea ... 1844D ... Lindau ... 11392
Reumann, Anna Dorothea ... 1814M ... Neust�dtel (Neustaedtel / Neustadtel) ... 11392
Reumann, George Friedrich ... M ... ... 11392
Rhoder, Engel ... M ... ... 11392
Riedel, Salome ... M ... ... 11392
Riepitach, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
R�ver (Roever / Rover), Anna ... 1515M ... ... 11392
R�ver (Roever / Rover), Anna ... 1517M ... Stendal ... 11392
R�ver (Roever / Rover), Batholom�us (Batholomaeus / Batholomaus) ... 1465B ... ... 11392
R�ver (Roever / Rover), Batholom�us (Batholomaeus / Batholomaus) ... 1515D ... ... 11392

Saltzwedel, Magdalena ... M ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Nicol(as) ... 1518D ... Stendal ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Nicol(as) ... M ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... 1520B ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... 1586D ... Stendal ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... M ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... 1490B ... Osterburg ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... 1540D ... Stendal ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Johann ... 1520M ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Joachim ... 1465B ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Joachim ... 1521D ... Osterburg ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Joachim ... 1490M ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Heine ... 1440B ... Osterburg ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Magdalena ... 1563B ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Magdalena ... 1614D ... ... 11392
Saltzwedel, Magdalena ... 1580M ... ... 11392
Sander, Anna Rosine ... M ... ... 11392
Sandt v., Katharina Sabine ... 1681M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Sandt v., Johann ... 1614B ... Coburg ... 11392
Sandt v., Johann ... 1685D ... Brandenburg (St. Gotth.) ... 11392
Sandt v., Johann ... M ... ... 11392
Sasse, Emerentia ... M ... ... 11392
Schaller, Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Schaller, Daniel ... 1550B ... Plauen (Vogtland) ... 11392
Schaller, Daniel ... 1630D ... Stendal ... 11392
Schaller, Daniel ... M ... ... 11392
Schaller, Daniel ... 1581D ... ... 11392
Schildbach, Caroline Frierike Charlotte ... 1846D ... Heegerm�hle (Heegermuehle / Heegermuhle) ... 11392
Schildbach, Caroline Frierike Charlotte ... 1814M ... ... 11392
Schmied, Ursula ... M ... ... 11392
Schmidt, Dorothea Sophie Elisabeth ... 1806B ... Dabelow ... 11392
Schmidt, Dorothea Sophie Elisabeth ... 1864D ... ... 11392
Schmidt, Dorothea Sophie Elisabeth ... 1834M ... ... 11392
Schmidt, Karl Friedrich ... 1773B ... Dabelow ... 11392
Schmidt, Karl Friedrich ... 1843D ... ... 11392
Schmidt, Karl Friedrich ... 1804M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Margaretha ... 1669D ... Bismark ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Margaretha ... M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Johannes ... 1579B ... Stendal ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Johannes ... 1612D ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Johannes ... M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Bartolom�us (Bartolomaeus / Bartolomaus) ... 1549B ... Stendal ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Bartolom�us ... 1605D ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Bartolom�us ... 1575M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Bartolom�us ... 1581M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), acob ... 1516B ... Stendal ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1562D ... Stendal ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1540M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1481B ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1515D ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1515M ... ... 11392
Sch�nbeck (Schoenbeck / Schonbeck), Jacob ... 1529D ... ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Maria ... 1605B ... ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Maria ... 1635D ... ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Maria ... 1623M ... Breslau ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Wilhelm ... 1570B ... ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Wilhelm ... 1631D ... ... 11392
Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Wilhelm ... M ... ... 11392
Sch�nikel (Schoenikel / Schonikel), Maria ... see Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Maria
Sch�nikel (Schoenikel / Schonikel), Wilhelm ... see Sch�neichel (Schoeneichel / Schoneichel), Wilhelm
Schr�der (Schroeder / Schroder), Anna ... M ... ... 11392
Schultz, Katharina Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
Schultz, Bernhardus ... 1633B ... G�strow (Guestrow / Gustrow) ... 11392
Schultz, Bernhardus ... 1715D ... ... 11392
Schumacher, Catharina ... M ... ... 11392
Schumacher, Matth�us (Matthaeus / Matthaus) ... M ... ... 11392
Schuricht, Catharina Elisabeth ... 1746D ... Brabdenburg ... 11392
Schuricht, Catharina Elisabeth ... 1705M ... Derenburg ... 11392
Sieffert, Elisabeth ... 1677D ... ... 11392
Sieffert, Elisabeth ... M ... ... 11392
Sinapius, ... M ... ... 11392
Sinapius, Simon ... B ... Zwickau ... 11392
Sinapius, Simon ... 1574D ... Standal ... 11392
Stapel, Dorothea ... 1629B ... ... 11392
Stapel, Dorothea ... 1649M ... Bismark ... 11392
Stapel, Jacob ... 1597B ... ... 11392
Stapel, Jacob ... 1653D ... Bismark ... 11392
Stapel, Jacob ... M ... ... 11392
Stapel, Joachim ... 1598D ... ... 11392
Stapel, Joachim ... 1586M ... ... 11392
Strache, Maria ... 1819B ... Gross-Neuendorf (Oderbruch) ... 11392
Strache, Maria ... 1905D ... Wriezen ... 11392
Strache, Maria ... 1851M ... ... 11392
Strache, George ... 1786B ... Gross-Neuedorf (OB) ... 11392
Strache, George ... 1848D ... ... 11392
Strache, George ... 1816M ... ... 11392
Strache, Georg ... 1742B ... Gross-Neuedorf (OB) ... 11392
Strache, Georg ... 1816D ... Ortwig (OB) ... 11392
Strache, Georg ... 1768M ... Ortwig (OB) ... 11392
Strache, Martin ... M ... ... 11392
Strahl, Catharina Elisabeth ... 1697B ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Strahl, Catharina Elisabeth ... 1737D ... Potsdam ... 11392
Strahl, Catharina Elisabeth ... 1716M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1714D ... Brandenburg (St. Gotth.) ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1694M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1713M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1610B ... ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1697D ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Strahl, Christoph ... 1673M ... ... 11392
Strahl, Erasmus ... M ... ... 11392
Strahl, Martin ... 1577B ... F�rstenwalde (Fuerstenwalde / Furstenwalde) ... 11392
Strahl, Martin ... 1651D ... Krahne ... 11392
Strahl, Martin ... 1610M ... Brandenburg (St. Katherine) ... 11392
Strahle, Catharina Elisabeth ... see Strahl, Catharina Elisabeth
Strahle, Christoph ... see Strahl, Christoph
Strahle, Erasmus ... see Strahl, Erasmus
Strahle, Martin ... see Strahl, Martin

V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Anna Margareta ... 1636B ... Hamburg ... 11392
V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Anna Margareta ... 1658M ... Calbe (Milde) ... 11392
V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Peter ... 1589B ... Hamburg ... 11392
V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Peter ... 1652D ... ... 11392
V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Peter ... 1621M ... ... 11392
V�lkers (Voelkers / Volkers), Niclas ... M ... ... 11392

Weber, Sabine ... M ... ... 11392
Westphal, Catharina Sophia ... 1723B ... Lychen ... 11392
Westphal, Catharina Sophia ... 1797D ... Lychen ... 11392
Westphal, Catharina Sophia ... M ... ... 11392
Westphal, Charlotte Sophie ... 1742B ... ... 11392
Westphal, Charlotte Sophie ... 1805D ... Templin ... 11392
Westphal, Charlotte Sophie ... 1765M ... Lychen ... 11392
Wiedemann, Johanna Elisabeth ... 1728B ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Wiedemann, Johanna Elisabeth ... 1808D ... Wichmannsdorf ... 11392
Wiedemann, Johanna Elisabeth ... 1758M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Wiedemann, Johann Georg ... 1732D ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Wiedemann, Johann Georg ... 1727M ... ... 11392
Wilker, Katharina ... 1903B ... Wriezen ... 11392
Wilker, Katharina ... 1981D ... Bremerhaven ... 11392
Wilker, Katharina ... 1929M ... ... 11392
Wilker, Gustav Ernst Wilhelm ... 1861B ... Wriezen ... 11392
Wilker, Gustav Ernst Wilhelm ... 1928D ... ... 11392
Wilker, Gustav Ernst Wilhelm ... 1895M ... Wriezen ... 11392
Wilker, Christian Ernst ... 1823B ... Lindau ... 11392
Wilker, Christian Ernst ... 1902D ... Wriezen ... 11392
Wilker, Christian Ernst ... 1851M ... Wriezen ... 11392
Wilker, Johann Christian ... 1837D ... ... 11392
Wilker, Johann Christian ... 1814M ... Neust�dtel (Neustaedtel / Neustadtel) ... 11392
Wittstock, Gertrud ... 1581D ... Stendal ... 11392
Wittstock, Gertrud ... 1540M ... ... 11392
Wittstock, Christoph ... 1490B ... ... 11392
Wittstock, Christoph ... 1544D ... Stendal ... 11392
Wittstock, Christoph ... 1520M ... ... 11392
Wittstock, Clauss ... 1507D ... ... 11392
Wittstock, Clauss ... M ... ... 11392
Wittstock, Ilse ... M ... ... 11392
Wolter, Emerenthia ... 1637M ... ... 11392
Wolter, Peter ... 1649D ... Stendal ... 11392
Wolter, Peter ... M ... ... 11392
Wolter, Steffen ... 1626D ... Stendal ... 11392
Wolter, Steffen ... 1599M ... ... 11392
Wolter, Johannes ... 1580D ... ... 11392
Wurl, Eva ... M ... ... 11392
Wurlborch, Witte ... 1568M ... ... 11392

Zabel, Anna ... B ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Zabel, Anna ... D ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Zabel, Anna ... 1627M ... ... 11392
Zabel, Conrad ... 1610M ... ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Sophie ... 1627B ... Wittenberg ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Sophie ... 1674D ... Salzwedel ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Sophie ... 1652M ... Brandenburg ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Berhard ... 1573B ... ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Berhard ... 1642D ... ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Berhard ... 1627M ... ... 11392
Zieritz (Ziritz), Berhard (Berend) ... M ... ... 11392