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Conference Schedule by Date and Time

2018 Pre-conference workshops will take place on Monday, August 6, and will run for two days. An additional fee is required to attend a workshop.

Time Location Presenter Workshop / Activity Description
Monday, August 6th – Tuesday, August 7th
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon Heritage Pohontsch, Milan German Document Recognition (6 x 1 hr. classes) Summarization
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon Salt Lake Sher, Joanne Finding the Village of Origin (6 x 1 hr. classes, plus hands-on help in the afternoons) Summarization
1:30 PM to 4:30 PM Heritage Andrus, Camille Navigating Internet Resources (6 x 1 hr. classes)  
1:30 PM to 4:30 PM Salt Lake Edlund, T. and Everett, J. Cyrillic for Beginners (6 x 1 hr. classes) Summarization
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Aspen   Welcome Reception (Tuesday only)  
Time Location Presenter Class / Activity Description
Wednesday, August 8th
8:30 AM Salt Lake Everett, Joe Plenary Session Summarization
9:45 AM Cottonwood Edlund, Thom Introduction to Russian Records  
9:45 AM Heritage Jacox, Mindy Germanic Research for Beginners Summarization
9:45 AM Salt Lake Juengling, Fritz Austro-Hungarian Empire Geography Summarization
11:00 AM Salt Lake Cooper, Mckenna Czech Records (part 1) Summarization
11:00 AM Cottonwood Everett, Joe Russian Gazetteers and Maps Summarization
11:00 AM Heritage Jacox, Mindy Spelling Variations in German Given and Place Names Summarization
1:30 PM Salt Lake Cooper, Mckenna Czech Records (part 2) Summarization
1:30 PM Cottonwood Edlund, Thom Russian Church Records  
1:30 PM Heritage Juengling, Fritz German Geography Summarization
2:45 PM Salt Lake Diane Lungo/Lisa Ratzlaff How to Research in Another Language Summarization
2:45 PM Cottonwood Edlund, Thom Russian Civil Records  
2:45 PM Heritage Juengling, Fritz Beyond the Obvious Reasons: Practical and Social Decisions for Emigration to America Summarization
4:00 PM Salt Lake Sher, Joanne Basics of Jewish Genealogical Research Summarization
4:00 PM Heritage Jacox, Mindy Finding German Places of Origin Summarization
4:00 PM Cottonwood Nagy, Valentyna Ukrainian Research: Archival and Online Resources Summarization
Thursday, August 9th
8:30 AM Salt Lake Alzo, Lisa

Researching your Slovak Roots: Over Here and Over There

8:30 AM Cottonwood Everett, Joe Russian Online Resources Summarization
8:30 AM Heritage Maynes, Jilline German Church Records and Beyond: Deepen your Research Using a Variety of Town Records Summarization
9:45 AM Cottonwood Edlund, Thom Russian Research Case Study  
9:45 AM Heritage Maynes, Jilline German Civil Registration Records Summarization
9:45 AM Salt Lake Woodbury, Paul Developing a DNA Testing Plan Summarization
11:00 AM Heritage Johnson, Baerbel Internet Sources for Locating Your 19th Century German Emigrant Summarization
11:00 AM Cottonwood Alzo, Lisa Breaking Down Slovak Genealogy Brickwalls Summarization
11:00 AM Salt Lake Woodbury, Paul DNA Interpretation Summarization
1:30 AM Heritage Johnson, Baerbel Records and Resources for German Research on Summarization
1:30 PM Salt Lake Kaiser, Taieno Introduction to Polish Research Summarization
1:30 PM Cottonwood Woodbury, Paul DNA Case Studies in Eastern Europe Summarization
2:45 PM Cottonwood Andrus, Camille Success Stories using DNA  
2:45 PM Salt Lake Jones, Daniel Polish Historical Geography Summarization
2:45 PM Heritage Maynes, Jilline German Census Records and Ortssippenbücher Summarization
4:00 PM Salt Lake Edlund, Thom Reading Polish Records Summarization
4:00 PM Heritage Hale, Kellie Scherbel Hungarian Geography and Gazetteers Summarization
4:00 PM Cottonwood Sher, Joanne Researching a Shtetl Summarization
Friday, August 10th
8:30 AM Cottonwood Everett, Joe On-Site Research in East European Archives Summarization
8:30 AM Heritage Johnson, Baerbel Avoid Mistakes in German Research Summarization
8:30 PM Salt Lake Jones, Daniel Polish Civil Registration Summarization
9:45 AM Heritage Johnson, Baerbel Using Historical Newspapers to learn more about your German Ancestor Summarization
9:45 AM Salt Lake Jones, Daniel Polish Parish Registers Summarization
9:45 AM Cottonwood Nagy, Valentyna Hiring a Professional Genealogist in Eastern Europe Summarization
11:00 AM Salt Lake Edlund, Thom Reading Polish Parish Records in Latin Summarization
11:00 AM Cottonwood Hale, Kellie Scherbel Hungarian Records, Pt. 1: Church Registers Summarization
11:00 AM Heritage Sher, Joanne The Great War: Where to Find WWI Records for U.S., Canada, & Eastern Europe Summarization
1:30 PM Heritage Alzo, Lisa Writing your Family History Step-by-Step Summarization
1:30 PM Salt Lake Everett, Joe Searching Polish Web Sites Summarization
1:30 PM Cottonwood Hale, Kellie Scherbel Hungarian Records, Pt. 2: Civil Registration Summarization
2:45 PM Cottonwood Hale, Kellie Scherbel Online Indexes and other Online Resources for Hungarian Research Summarization
2:45 PM Heritage Pohontsch, Milan History of the Napoleonic Wars and the Change of Borders Summarization
2:45 PM Salt Lake Sher, Joanne Jewish Records in Poland Summarization
4:00 PM Cottonwood Nagy, Valentyna Research on the Austro-Hungarian empire's Eastern Provinces: Galicia, Bukowina, Transcarpathia Summarization
4:00 PM Heritage Pohontsch, Milan German History and Migration Summarization
4:00 PM Salt Lake Sher, Joanne Jewish Migration from Eastern Europe Summarization
6:15-8:15 PM Aspen   Closing Banquet (speaker: Lisa Alzo) Summarization