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Lecture descriptions Milan Pohontsch, FEEFHS 2021

Austrian Military Research (Austro-Hungarian track)

This presentation teaches how to follow step-by-step the research process of tracing the military career of an officer and/or soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army between 1790 and 1867. It also introduces additional military-related sources for those who had served in this army.


German Language and Handwriting (German track)

The presentation focuses on becoming familiar with the German Gothic hand script, explains the various types of Gothic script, provides sources for self-teaching and practicing, providing tips for getting comfortable with writing and reading, deals with abbreviations used in genealogical records, and includes a short lesson on German grammar.


The Small but Important Details for Germanic Research (German track)

Participants will learn about the switching of calendars, importance of feast days, weekday symbols, common abbreviations used, naming patterns, house names, Latinizing of names, weights, and measures.