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Class Descriptions, Dave Obee

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Dave Obee.


Using Geography to Solve DNA Questions

So you have spit into a tube -- now what? Your next step might be to consult an atlas, because geographic clues from your matches might get you looking in the right direction. This session includes some DNA success stories, based on geography and backed by documented research. It also offers pointers on how to get more value from your tests.


Introduction to German Research in Eastern Europe

It can be difficult to research the Germans who lived in Eastern Europe, but it's not impossible. Factors include their location, the time frame, and their religion. This session might take the modern researcher to records in Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere, including descendants in North America, Germany and elsewhere. 


Introduction to Polish Research

Just starting with your Polish ancestry? This session reviews the history of Poland and covers some of the key sources you will need to consult. Most of these sources can be found online.


Changing Places, Changing Borders

Yes, it has been possible to be born in one country, get married in another, and die in a third -- without ever leaving your home. The boundaries in Eastern Europe have been redrawn many times over the years, presenting challenges for modern-day genealogical researchers. When jurisdictions have changed, it is especially important to learn how to interpret and record information.