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Ottoman Empire 1683 Ottoman Empire in 1683
Romania - Moldavia 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:3,200,000 (or one inch = about 50 miles)
Romania -Wallachia 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:3,200,000 (or one inch = about 50 miles)
Serbia and Montenegro 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:3,200,000 (or one inch = about 50 miles)
South Greece excluding Crete 1882 From Blackie & Sons Atlas (Edinburgh, 1882), Scale: 1:3,200,000 (or one inch = about 50 miles)
Transylvania 1880 Transylvania in 1880
Turkey in Europe East 1908 From Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer, London, 1909, Scale: 1:2,150,000Download the Hi Res Map and view the Gazetteer
Turkey in Europe West 1908 From Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer, London, 1909, Scale: 1:2,150,000Download the Hi Res Map and view the Gazetteer