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Patricia Milich

Patricia Milich
Job Title

Patty’s long time interests—foreign languages, ancestral cultures, history and murder mysteries--folded in perfectly to her later interest in genealogy: puzzles to solve with dead people…though usually not murdered ones. She has been researching her ancestors for over 25 years with an Eastern European focus in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Croatia. Her lines of research include bio- and adopto-predecessors using both documentary and DNA methods. Although a resident of California, her most frequent out-of-state destination is Salt Lake City for purposes of losing herself at the FamilySearch Library…and sometimes attending FEEFHS conferences; her first FEEFHS conference was 20 years ago. 

Patty is President of the Davis Genealogy Club (in Davis, CA), where she has helped others with their Eastern European research. Quirky fact: Although married only once, she has had four last names.