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Past Conference - 1995 Cleveland

Holiday Inn, 7230 Engle Road, Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
Cleveland, Ohio, August 4-5, 1995

Pre-Conference Activities

Thursday, August 4 
3-5 p.m.: Visit to the Western Reserve Historical Society, with a briefing and some time for browsing. This is the largest Genealogy Library between Fort Wayne Indian and the east coast. (Tentative, pending registrant response. There will be a nominal charge for those needing transportation.) 
7-10 p.m.: Get-acquainted session in the Holiday Inn Lounge, with ethnic entertainment expected. Please join us, introduce yourself and find the others searching your ethnic area.



Session 1: 9:30-10:30 a.m. 
(a) Judith R. Frazin, "Climbing Your Family Tree -- The First Steps: A Family History Workshop for Beginners" 
(b) Charles M. Hall, "Linguistics and Name Changes" 
(c) Joseph J. Hornack, "1990 Census Shows Slovak Awareness; Putting This Awareness into Networking" 
(d) Robert Ward, Ph.D., "Southeast European German Groups in Greater Cleveland" 

Session 2: 10:45-11:45 a.m. 
(a) Arlene Rich, "Putting Jewish Families Together Through Genealogical Research" 
(b) Ann Sindelar, "Genealogical Holdings of the Western Reserve Historical Society" 
(c) Ernest Thode, "Genealogical Resources on Germany and Austria" 
(d) Jan Zaleski, A.G., "Following the Paper Trail to Your Ancestral Village in Eastern Europe" 

Session 3: 12 noon-1:15 p.m. 
Lunch on your own. We are investigating the feasibility of an optional hotel buffet. 

Session 4: 1:30-2:30 p.m. 
(a) Jessie L. Daraska, "Lithuanian Genealogy: American Sources" (b) Judith R. Frazin, "Finding Old Polish Records and Unlocking Their Secrets" 
(c) Duncan B. Gardiner, Ph.D., C.G., "Czech and Slovak Genealogy" 
(d) Leona Schmidt Janke, "East European Migration of Germans" 

Session 5: 2:45-3:45 p.m. 
(a) John R. Daraska, "Lithuanian Genealogy: Lithuanian Sources" 
(b) Thomas Kent Edlund, "Genealogical Resources for All Christian Ethnic Groups in Ukraine and Russia" 
(c) Louis Schonfeld, "Hungarian Jewish Genealogy from Aleph to Zet" 
(d) John D. Movius, "Effective Use of the Internet, The World-Wide-Web and On- Line Services of AOL and CompuServe (FEEFHS member societies) for East European Genealogy" 

Session 6: 4-5 p.m. 
(a) Michael Kopanic, Ph.D., "Slovak Immigration to the Cleveland Area" 
(b) Ken Meter, "The Ethnic Composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire" 
(c) Marilyn A. Wellauer, "Swiss Genealogy and Eastward Migration" 
(d) Jan Zaleski, A.G., "How to Proceed Once You Determine Your Ancestral Village in Poland" 

Session 7: 5:45-7:15 p.m. (official banquet) 
Thomas Kent Edlund, "The Current Status of Microfilming in Eastern Europe" 

Session 8: 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 or 10 p.m. 
John D. Movius, chair, "The Future of FEEFHS". This will include introductions of all FEEFHS Board members (FEEFHS Representatives) and other accredited representatives of those FEEFHS organization members present. 

Session 9: 8:15-9:15 a.m. 
(a) Adam S. Eterovich, Ph.D., paper on "A Guide to Croatian Genealogy" (for all ethnic groups). This paper will be read. 
(b) Duncan B. Gardiner, Ph.D., C.G., "Magyar and Hungarian Genealogy" 
(c) Mark Vasko Bigaouette and Paul Makousky, "Origin and Location of Czech and Slovak Settlements in the United States" 
(d) Thomas A. Peters, C.G.R.S., "World War I Draft Records - No Male is Exempt" 
(e) Dr. Petr Klasinc, chief archivist, Maribor, Slovenia, "Family Files in Slovenian Archives" 

Session 10: 9:30-10:30 a.m. 
(a) Patricia A. Eames, "What Researchers Should Know When Seeking Information from Archives of the Former Soviet Union" 
(b) Clare Ann Gaouette, "Genealogical Sources Available in Poland to Aid Polish Research" 
(c) Michael Kukral, Ph.D., "The Changing Boundaries of Central Europe" 
(d) Albert Peterlin, "Slovenian Genealogy: American Sources and Resources" 
(e) John D. Movius, Part I: "Building a *Home Page* for your society to appear within FEEFHS's Home Page on the Internet Web (WWW)." This is limited to persons accredited by FEEFHS member organizations, including new member organizations (on a space available basis) that join FEEFHS prior to the start of this working session. 

Session 11: 10:45-11:45 a.m. 
(a) Thomas Kent Edlund, "Genealogical Resources for Croatia and Slavonia" 
(b) Robert J. Paulson and Ken Meter, "Border People: The Bohmisch (German- -Bohemians) in America" 
(c) Thomas A. Peters, C.G.R.S., "Researching the People from 'No Man's Land': The Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria-Hungary" 
(d) Myron Momryk, "The Russian Consular Records for Canada, 1900-1921" 

Session 12: 12 noon-2 p.m. (Conference luncheon; brief annual meeting announcements) Luncheon Speaker: John J. Grabowski, Ph.D., of Western Reserve Historical Society. Lecture with slides: "Cleveland's East European Ethnic Neighborhoods: An Illustrated Tour" 

Session 13: 2:15-3:15 a.m. 
(a) John C. Alleman, "How to Handle 100 Foreign languages on the Computer" 
(b) Clare Ann Gaouette, "Polish Surnames -- Their Origins, Definitions, and Frequency in Poland" 
(c) Myron Momryk, "Resources at the National Archives of Canada for the Study of East European Genealogy" 
(d) Roy J. Rushka, "Family History Research in Western Ukraine" 
(e) Dr. Petr Klasinc, chief archivist, Maribor, Slovenia - Slovenian Archives as Sources of family history records. 

Session 14: 3:30-4:30 p.m. 
(a) Edward R. Brandt, Ph.D., A.G., "Genealogical Resources of Hungarian Archives for Magyars and Minority Groups" 
(b) Paul Makousky and Mark Vasko Bigaouette, " Using American Sources to Get Information from the Czech and Slovak Republics" 
(c) Albert Peterlin, "Slovenian Genealogy: Slovenian Sources and Resources" 
(d) Ernest Thode, "Deciphering the Gothic Script"