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Past Conference - 1996 Minneapolis

Thunderbird Hotel and Convention Center, 2201 E. 78th St. (I-494 and 24th Avenue)
Minneapolis (Bloomington), Minnesota
Sunday June 8 through Tuesday June 11, 1996

This FEEFHS conference offered over 100 hours of presentations, including banquets on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and luncheons on Monday and Tuesday. On Sunday there were seven simultaneous sessions (each with five 50-minute presentations) and on Monday and Tuesday there were five simultaneous sessions. This was to date the largest East European genealogy convention of its kind ever to take place.


  1. Reverend George Alexe, "Eastern Romanian Genealogy of the Romanian Immigration to the United States and Canada"
  2. John C. Alleman, FEEFHS Newsletter Editor, "Finnish Genealogy"
  3. John C. Alleman, "Hungarian Genealogy"
  4. Brent Allison, director, Borchert Map Library, "Cartographic Resources for East and Central European Genealogical Research"
  5. Astra Apsitis, "Records for Post-World War II Latvian and Other Baltic Immigrants"
  6. Prof. Hyman Berman, University of Minnesota, "Jewish Immigration to the Upper Midwest"
  7. Scharlott Goettsch Blevins, "Research on Schleswig-Holstein, Germany"
  8. Scharlott Goettsch Blevins, "Getting It Right: Record Your Research to Save Time, Money and Anxiety"
  9. Edward R. Brandt, Ph.D. and Brian J. Lenius, "Tracing German and Dutch Mennonites in the area of interwar Poland, Volhynia, and the Vistula-Nogat Delta: Migration Trails and Genealogical Records."
  10. Edward R. Brandt, Ph.D., John Movius,, facilitators-advisors: Discussions on forming new genealogy groups - (breakout sessions by ethnic, religious and national groups)
  11. Stanley Brescoll, Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan, "Polish-American Research in the U.S."
  12. Helene Cincebeaux, "Who Are the Moravian People?" (historical and cultural slide presentation)
  13. Helene Cincebeaux, "Lithuania: Research in Archives and Villages"
  14. Helene Cincebeaux, "Slovakia: Pre-History to the Present; Find Your Village, Find Your Family" (historical and cultural slide presentation),
  15. Helene Cincebeaux, "Genetic Genealogy"
  16. Donna Debevec Cuillard, "Slovenian Research: U.S. and Slovenian Sources"
  17. Donna Debevec Cuillard, "Slovenian Research: A Case Study"
  18. Donna Debevec Cuillard, "Beginning Research"
  19. Kent Cutkomp, Germanic Genealogical Society "Minnesota Resources for Germanic Research"
  20. Fay Dearden, "Deciphering Gothic Records"
  21. Patricia A. Eames, "Beyond the Family: Profiling Villages in the Russian Empire" (Tuesday banquet)
  22. Patricia A. Eames, "Finding Your Family at the National Archives"
  23. Arlene H. Eakle, Ph.D., "Place of Birth: Prussia": but where? New Often Unused Records and Newly Available Sources That Tell Where"
  24. Arlene H. Eakle, Ph.D., "New Immigration Indexes, a New Approach to Finding Places of Origin of German, Swiss and French Ancestors.
  25. Thomas Kent Edlund, "The Current Status of Microfilming in East, East Central and Southeast Europe"
  26. Thomas Kent Edlund, "Sources For Genealogy for Croatia and the former Slavonia in the Family History Library"
  27. Thomas Kent Edlund, "The Lutheran Church in Russia: Its Origins and History"
  28. Thomas Kent Edlund, "Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes - Successful and Unsuccessful Search Examples - A Workshop"
  29. Irmgard Hein Ellingson, "Czechs, Slovaks and Germans in the Bukovina and Volhynia"
  30. Adam S. Eterovich, Ph.D., "Researching ancestors from Croatia, including members of Minority Groups" (paper)
  31. Linda Fournier and James S. Sazevich , "If You Are Searching For Your Belorussian Roots, Don't Give Up Hope"
  32. Margaret Amar Freeman"Benefits of Village Research for Your Personal Research"
  33. Duncan Gardiner, Ph.D., C.G., Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International Journal Editor, "Czech and Slovak Ancestry Research: The Basics"
  34. Duncan Gardiner, Ph.D., C.G., "Czech and Slovak Ancestry Research: Beyond the Basics"
  35. Duncan Gardiner, Ph.D., C.G., "The Austro-Hungarian Empire: Research Sources and Geographical-Historical Background"
  36. Lawrence Goga, President, Rusin Association "The Rusins of Minnesota"
  37. Myron Gruenwald, editor, Die Pommerschen Leute "Baltic Sea Germans, The Persistent Pioneers" (paper)
  38. Harry Gutkin, "The History and Genealogy of Jews in Western Canada"
  39. Charles M. Hall, FEEFHS founding past-President, "Boundary and Name Changes"
  40. Charles M. Hall, "What Genealogists Can Learn From The Atlantic Bridge to Germany"
  41. Miriam Hall-Hansen, "The History and Genealogy of the Germans in Russia"
  42. Professor Walter Hanchett, "Documents for Peasants from the Russian Empire: Their Usefulness in Research on Early Twentieth Century Ukrainians"
  43. Professor Walter Hanchett, "Searching for Richard Patrick's Ukrainian Village"
  44. Karen Hobbs, "Genealogy and More: Your Ancestors Also Had a Life"
  45. Anna Jaroszynska-Kirchmann, "The Polish Collection at the Immigration History Research Center"
  46. Nina Jejel, "The Cyrillic Script Before and After 1917"
  47. Bruce Kahn, Ph.D., "What Non-Jews Can Learn from Jewish Genealogists"
  48. Bruce Kahn, Ph.D., (Using German World War II Aerial Photographs for Genealogy Research) - awaiting exact title
  49. Bruce Kahn, Ph.D. and Stephen Kymlicka, "The Internet - Beyond the Basics"
  50. Bruce Kahn, Ph.D., draft working title: "Using the Internet and Online Services for Jewish Genealogy"
  51. Lawrence Klippenstein, Ph.D., director, Mennonite Heritage Centre, "Genealogical Resources for Mennonites: Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, Russia, etc."
  52. Father Alfons Kubat, "Obtaining Genealogical Information from Latin Parish Registers"
  53. Arthur Kurzweil, "How to Trace Your Jewish Ancestors" (videotape)
  54. Stephen Kymlicka, "The Internet - The Basics"
  55. Stephen Kymlicka and John Movius Soc.Genealogy.Slavic, Soc.Genealogy.German and Some Other Usenet Genealogy Newsgroups"
  56. Edward G. Langer, "Emigration of Germans and Czechs from Northeastern Bohemia to the United States"
  57. Brian J. Lenius, "Researching Galizien Germans"
  58. Brian J. Lenius, "Multi-Ethnic Research in Galicia"
  59. Dallas R. Lindgren, "Genealogical Resources of the Minnesota Historical Society Research Center"
  60. Glen Linscheid, "Mennonite Mix: New World and Old"
  61. Patricia A. Lowe, "LDS Resources for East and Central European Genealogical Research"
  62. Paul Makousky and Eugene M. Aksamit, "An Overview of the Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International Library Collection"
  63. Mavis Menzies, "Canadian Genealogical Resources for East European Research"
  64. Christopher Miksanek, "The Use of European Fonts and Their Application in Genealogy"
  65. John Movius, "FEEFHS and the Internet's World Wide Web - Past, Present and Future"
  66. Beth Mullinax, "Beginning Genealogy" (two hours)
  67. Halyna Myroniuk, "The Slavic Collections at the Immigration History Research Center: Sources of Genealogical Research"
  68. Ed Nelson, Iron Range Research Center, "The East Europeans on the Iron Range"
  69. Raluca Octav, "Romanian Immigration: Boundaries, Ethnicity, Gender and Typology"
  70. Thomas A. Peters, C.G.R.S., "Researching the People from 'No Man's Land: the Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria Hungary"
  71. Thomas A. Peters, C.G.R.S., "Lemko Genealogy - Cases Studies Emphasizing Procedures and Pitfalls"
  72. Thomas A. Peters, C.G.R.S., "Why I Didn't Find My Ancestor's Naturalization"
  73. Steven G. Potach, "The Struggle for the Heart of Europe: Conflicts That Shaped the Lives of Our Czech and Slovak Ancestors"
  74. John Radzilowski, "The Poles in Minnesota and the Dakotas"
  75. Judith P. Reid, Library of Congress, (paper on the library's resources for genealogy)
  76. Timo R. Riippa, Immigration History Research Center, "Finnish Genealogical Materials at the Immigration History Research Center"
  77. Prof. LaVern J. Rippley, editor, Society for German-American Studies, "Genealogical Research in Baden"
  78. Prof. LaVern J. Rippley, "Genealogical Research in Silesia"
  79. Prof. LaVern J. Rippley, "The German-Bohemians and Their Unique Germanic Heritage"
  80. Paul Rupprecht, "Hungarian Immigration and Settlement in the United States after World War I"
  81. James A. Sazevich, "The Bohemian settlements in Minneapolis".
  82. George Soldatow, "Russian Immigration and the Genealogical Holdings of Russian-American Archives"
  83. Adeline Sopa, "Kaszuby and the Kashubes"
  84. Adeline Sopa, "Polish Settlements in Wisconsin"
  85. Vladislav E. Soshnikov, "Obtaining Information from Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavan Archives for all Descendant Groups"
  86. Vladislav E. Soshnikov, "Obtaining Information from Belarussian Archives" (with an informal discussion with those genealogists interested in Belorussian archives)
  87. Theofanis Stavrou, "Early Twentieth Century Greek Immigration: A Case Study"
  88. Andris Straumanis, "Latvian Migration to the United States"
  89. Robert Weiss, "Tracking Your Ancestors Back to the Old Country and Making Maps of your Ancestor's Neighboring Villages"
  90. Robert Weiss "Finding and Obtaining Records from East European Archives"
  91. Duane Wiita, "Using Finnish-American Newspapers for Genealogical Research in the U.S. and Canada"
  92. Duane Wiita, "Using Various English-Language Newspapers in Minnesota to Locate Finnish Genealogical Date in the Midwest, 1894-1980"
  93. William Wolpert, "Jewish Genealogical Resources in the Twin Cities"
  94. Joel Wurl, "An Overview of the East European Holdings of the Immigration History Research Center"
  95. Jan Zaleski, A.G., "Following the Paper Trail to Your Ancestral Village in Central or Eastern Europe" (a.m.)
  96. Jan Zaleski, A.G., "Overcoming the Geographic Obstacles to Polish Research" (Monday luncheon)
  97. Jan Zaleski, A.G., "Finding Records on Ancestors Who Entered the United States from Canada"
  98. Olga Zoltai, "Twentieth Century Hungarian Immigration and Genealogy".
  99. David Zincavage (paper on Lithuanian genealogy)