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Past Conference - 1997

Best Western Plaza Hotel
adjacent to the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah
Saturday 27 September - Tuesday 30 September 1997


John Alleman .. Foreign languages on your Computer and the Internet
John Alleman .. FEEFHS - Past Present and Future (Panel w/Hall and Movius)

Linda Avaikian .. Passenger Ship arrivals 1880 - 1920's
Linda Avaikian .. Armenian Gen. w/last century of North American records

Steven Blodgett .. Austrian Empire Military Records
Steven Blodgett .. Former East Germany records
Steven Blodgett .. Central/East European boundary changes - 1660's on
Steven Blodgett .. Former German areas of Poland and other countries

Father Blaine Burkey .. Siberian Diocese - "A letter from SIBERIA"
Father Blaine Burkey .. Conversations w/Elders - German-Russians in Siberia

Julie Caswell ... Bulgarian History and how I did my genealogy

Lica Catsakis-Bywater .. Greek Genealogy -- Sources in Greece.

Margarita Chouquette .. Baltics Gazetteers and Resources at the FHL
Margarita Chouquette .. Russian Language Records at the FHL

Sue Clarkson .. Banat and Batschka (Panel with Conner, Dreyer, McDaniel)

Martha Conner .. Banat and Batschka (Panel with Clarkson, Dreyer, McDaniel)
Martha Conner .. Researching Hungary using 1828 Census records, etc.

Donna Cuillard .. Beginning Genealogy - Tools and Techniques
Donna Cuillard .. Intermediate Genealogy - Sources and Procedures
Donna Cuillard .. Slovenian Research - US and Slovenian Sources
Donna Cuillard .. Slovenian Research - Case study (several generations

David Dreyer ... Banat and Batschka (Panel with Clarkson, Conner, McDaniel)
David Dreyer ... Discovering Village of Origin in the Banat - US sources
David Dreyer ... Bremen Passenger List Indexes and European sources inc. AKdFF

Arlene Eakle ... Indexes of Prussian Immigrant - Emigrant Sources
Arlene Eakle ... Prussian Genealogy: map it, chart it, Photograph it
Arlene Eakle ... Finding Places of Origin in IGI - New search strategies
Arlene Eakle ... Is your genealogy already compiled?

Thomas Edlund .. Workshop I-Gen Research-General Principles & Resources
Thomas Edlund .. Workshop II-Research at the Family History Library
Thomas Edlund .. Workshop III-Researching Archives in Eastern Europe
Thomas Edlund .. Imperial Russian Revision Lists (with Joe Everett)
Thomas Edlund .. Die Ahnenstammkartei de Deutschen Volkes - workshop & examples

Evan Eichler .. Hutterite Genealogy
Evan Eichler .. Genetics and Genealogy

Joe Everett .. Imperial Russian Revision Lists (with Tom Edlund)

Jim Faulkinberry .. California Sources: Central/East European Research
Jim Faulkinberry .. US Naturalization Records from 1700's on...

SLaraine Ferguson .. Berlin Military and Church Records

Jerry Frank .. German migration to Volhynia, Poland & South Russia
Jerry Frank .. Using the Wandering Volhynians database
Jerry Frank .. Translation: 19th Century Polish Civil Registrations

Duncan Gardiner .. Austria-Hungary - a primer for genealogists
Duncan Gardiner .. Czech Genealogy Sources in light of Czech and Moravian History
Duncan Gardiner .. Czech & Slovak Research in America, Czech & Slovak Republics

Ted Gostin .. Russian Business Directories as a genealogy sources 
Ted Gostin .. Imperial Russian Consular records in the U.S. and Canada

Marietta Glauser .. Greek Genealogy -- Sources at the Family History Library.

Charles M. Hall .. Workshop: The Atlantic Bridge to Germany series
Charles M. Hall .. FEEFHS - Past Present and Future (Panel with Alleman and Movius)

Laura Hanowski .. Using Canadian Records to Trace East European Ancestors
Laura Hanowski .. North American records to Trace Bukovina and Galicia ancestors

William Hoffman .. Belarus, Lithuania Poland and Ukraine names
William Hoffman .. Tips: Translating Galician docs: German/Latin/Polish/Ukraine

Thomas Hrncirik .. Bohemia Religious History and genealogy
Thomas Hrncirik .. Moravian archives (Brno and Opava)

Nephi Kezerian .. American Sources for Armenian Family History

Blance Krbecheck .. Kashubian History and Sources
Blance Krbecheck .. Getting started with your Polish Kashubian research

Eva Liptak .. New Slovak Records available at the FHL for research
Eva Liptak .. Hungarian records research at the FHL

Ray Madsen .. Family Search & Personal Ancestral File programs, background, status

Gordon McDaniel .. Banat and Batschka (Panel with Clarkson, Conner, Dreyer)
Gordon McDaniel .. Abbreviations in Ortslexikons and Gazetteers
Gordon McDaniel .. The placename dilemma - none or too many!
Gordon McDaniel .. Glagolitic records in Croatia
Gordon McDaniel .. Medieval and modern Serbian Genealogy Sources

Kahlile Mehr .. LDS Microfilming in Central and Eastern Europe
Kahlile Mehr .. Imperial Russian Sources (Belarus, Ukraine & Russia

Roger Minert .. Austria Research Problems
Roger Minert .. Czech Republic (Bohemia, Moravia) Research Problems

John Movius .. Online Research (Query) Lists: Creating New Genealogy Societies
John Movius .. FEEFHS Website: Status and Future Directions
John Movius .. FEEFHS - Past Present and Future (Panel w/Alleman & Hall)
John Movius .. Workshop - Creating and Maintaining web pages for the FEEFHS website

Edward Nute .. Genealogy records in Russian Archives
Edward Nute .. Successful Jewish searches in Russian Archives

Gwen Pritzkau .. Village Research for German-Russian record searchers

Kate Pruente .. Gottschee (1438-1941): FHL Church & Civil Records

Trudy Schenk .. (Tentative) Wuerttemberg Immigration List and research sources
Trudy Schenk .. (Tentative) Thuringia and Saxony database and research sources

Carol Schiffman .. Gazetteers - Central and Eastern Europe and Russia
Carol Schiffman .. Maps - Central and Eastern Europe and Russia

Daniel Schlyter .. Austrian Partition of Poland - Sources and procedures

Henning Schroeder .. 3rd Reich genealogy records at German Bundesarchiv
Henning Schroeder .. Bessarabian German records at German Bundesarchiv
Henning Schroeder .. German churchbooks in today's Poland
Henning Schroeder .. History/contents of Germanic Emigrants Register

Johnathan Shea .. Polish Genealogy in the Russian Partition of Poland
Johnathan Shea .. Understanding and Use of Passenger Lists: 1880's on

Vlad Soshnikov .. Sources in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus archives
Vlad Soshnikov .. Genealogy Request procedures at these archives
Vlad Soshnikov .. Genealogy projects of Russian Archives
Vlad Soshnikov .. Genealogy organizations in Russia

Michael Strauss .. New York City Metropolitan records for Immigrant ancestors
Michael Strauss .. Baltimore-Washington-Philadelphia Records for Immigrants

Tim Vincent .. Finnish genealogy - basic sources including the FHL
Tim Vincent .. Advanced Finnish genealogy - FHL and Finland sources
Tim Vincent .. Canada Port & Passenger records (1880-1930) & US WWI Draft Records

Bob Weiss .. East European Archives and Jewish Records update - I
Bob Weiss .. East European Archives and Jewish Records update - II

Wolfer/Wray .. Galicia and Galicians - problem solving workshop I

Jan Zaleskie .. Polish Gazetteers
Jan Zaleskie .. Desperation Strategies when all else Fails