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Past Conference - 2004 Detroit

Crowne Plaza Detroit, 8000 Merriman Road, Romulus, MI
October 1-3, 2004
Co-sponsored with the Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan

Fri 8:00-8:30 Welcome, Administrative
Fri 8:30-9:30

01 Plenary / This Must Be Lidsbark-Warminski / Dave Obee

Fri 9:45-10:45

02 Introduction to Eastern Galician/Western Ukrainian Genealogy
/ Matthew Bielawa

Fri 9:45-10:45

03 Researching Your Slovak Roots in the 21st Century / Lisa A. Alzo

Fri 9:45-10:45

04 Discoveries in the EWZ microfilms / David Obee

Fri 9:45-10:45

05 Cyrillic 101: Reading the Printed Alphabet /Suzanne Mullin Meissner

Fri 9:45-10:45

06 East European Websites / Kahlile B. Mehr

Fri 11:00-12:00 07 Translating and Understanding Polish and Russian Documents of 
Genealogical Value/
Fri 11:00-12:00 08 Locating Your Ancestor's Eastern European Hometown/ Joseph Martin
Fri 11:00-12:00 09 Resources for Jewish Genealogy in Chicago / Mike Karsen
Fri 11:00-12:00 10 Panel: How to Use Your FHC / Michigan Family History Centers
Fri 12:00-1:00 Lunch
Fri 1:30-2:30 11World War I Draft Registration Records / Joanne M. Sher /
Fri 1:30-2:30 12 Soul and Residents Lists of Posen (Poznan) / Katarzyna Grycza
Fri 1:30-2:30 13Sütterlin (Kurrent and Fraktur) / Jutta Missal
Fri 1:30-2:30 14 Cyrillic 102: Reading Handwriting / Suzanne Mullin Meissner
Fri 1:30-2:30 15 So You Have a Jewish Ancestor: Help for the non-Jewish Researcher / 
Gladys Friedman Paulin
Fri 2:45-3:45

16 The Magnate Landowner Records of Eastern Europe / Gayle Schlissel Riley

Fri 2:45-3:45 17 Austro-Hungary - Donauschwabs in the Schwaebische Tuerkei
Waldraut (Wally) Schlegel
Fri 2:45-3:45 18 Galveston Plan-Jewish Immigrants Through the Port of Galveston,Texas /
Joanne M. Sher
Fri 2:45-3:45

19 Virtual Reunion: Connect Your Family Online / Lisa Alzo

Fri 2:45-3:45 20 Do Documents Lie? Records Created by and for Our Immigrant Ancestors / 
Gladys Friedman Paulin
Fri 4:00-5:00 21 Slavicizing Your Computer and Genealogy Software / Matthew Bielawa
Fri 4:00-5:00

22 Write Your Family History NOW! / Mike Karsen

Fri 4:00-5:00 23 Slavic Record Resources / Thomas K. Edlund
Fri 4:00-5:00 24 Phonetics and Transcription: Importance of Pronunciation of Names and Locations / Jutta Missal
Fri 4:00-5:00 25 Researching Slovenian Ancestors—Archbishopric Archives in Ljubljana /
Rose Marie Jisa
Fri 6:00 Banquet
Sat 8:30-9:30 26 Plenary / Where Should I Start?: Beginning Research on
Adele Maurine Marcum
Sat 9:45-10:45

27 Wischnitz Parish Register /Personal Extraction Projects / Sonja Nishimoto 

Sat 9:45-10:45 28 Latin for Family and Local History / Thomas Edlund
Sat 9:45-10:45 29 The Bradenville Bunch: A Case Study in Identifying Immigrant 
Cluster Communities / Lisa Alzo
Sat 9:45-10:45

30 Germans From Russia / Dave Obee

Sat 9:45-10:45 31 Accessing Records for Border Crossings from Canada into the U.S., 1895-1954 / Jan Zaleski
Sat 11:00-12:00 32 Finding your Polish Ancestors / Kathleen Ann LaBudie -Szakall
Sat 11:00-12:00 33 Tracing Your Eastern European Ancestors Back Across the Ocean
/ Joseph Martin
Sat 11:00-12:00 34 Journey to Felizienthal (Dolynyvka) Ukraine / Jim Lang
Sat 11:00-12:00 35 When There’s So Much Information! Help is on the Way
(Organizing a Database using Excel) Barbara Starkey
Sat 11:00-12:00 36 Austria-Hungary, a Primer for Genealogists / Duncan Gardiner
Sat 12:00-1:00 Lunch
Sat 1:30-2:30 37 Finding Relatives in Your Ancestral Region of Poland / Katarzyna Grycza
Sat 1:30-2:30

38 Czech and Slovak Republics: Genealogical Research / Duncan Gardiner

Sat 1:30-2:30 39 Extraction Process of Birth, Death and Marriage records / 
Stepping Back into Veli Losinj / Barbara Starkey
Sat 1:30-2:30

40 Beginning Your German Research Online / Adele Maurine Marcum

Sat 1:30-2:30 41 Vital Records of Galicia / Matthew Bielawa
Sat 2:45-3:45 42 1895-1954, Hamburg, Germany, Preserved More than Just Passenger
Departure Lists / Jan Zaleski
Sat 2:45-3:45 43 Are They Strange or Are We Stranger(s) ? / Jutta Missal
Sat 2:45-3:45 44 Genealogists' Higher Calling: Reaching Out to Family / Mike Karsen
Sat 2:45-3:45 45 To Naturalize or Not: Why and When Our Ancestors Became Citizens 
Gladys Friedman Paulin
Sat 2:45-3:45 46 German Gothic Script / Waldraut (Wally) Schlegel
Sat 4:00-5:00 47 TBA
Sat 4:00-5:00 48 Pomeranian Research / Heinz Chinnow and Marsha L. Gustad
Sat 4:00-5:00

49 Unpuzzle Your Past: Write Your Family History Step-by-Step / Lisa Alzo

Sat 4:00-5:00

50 Genealogy Search in Slovenia, Burgenland, NE Germany and Vorpommern
/ Ed Labahn

Sat 4:00-5:00 51The Ship's List: Genealogical Information on the Ship's Manifest
Gladys Friedman Paulin
Sat 6:00 Banquet / With Speaker or Entertainment/ TBA
Sun 8:30-9:30

52 Knowing Your A,B,C's and Your Cyrillic A, B, V's:
The Cyrillic Alphabet for Genealogists / Matthew Bielawa

Sun 8:30-9:30 53 Imperial Russian Research / Thomas K. Edlund
Sun 8:30-9:30

54 Finding Places In Germany and Eastern Europe / Dave Obee

Sun 8:30-9:30 55 Effective Search Strategies on / Adele Maurine Marcum
Sun 8:30-9:30 56 Polish Archives: Behind the Scenes / Ceil Jensen
Sun 9:45-10:45 57 Records of Poland in Latin, German, Polish and Russian / Katarzyna Grycza
Sun 9:45-10:45 58 ASTAKA: Die Ahnenstammkartei Des Deutschen Volkes (Central Index of 
the German People ) / Thomas K. Edlund
Sun 9:45-10:45 59 Beginning Jewish Genealogy / Joanne M. Sher
Sun 9:45-10:45

60 Stalin's Secret Records / Dave Obee

Sun 9:45-10:45 61 Library of Michigan and Abrams Collection / Kris Rzepczynski
Sun 11:00-12:00

62 Genealogical Information Found on Jewish Headstones / Joanne M. Sher

Sun 11:00-12:00 63 How To Build a Genealogical Website / Ceil Jensen
Sun 11:00-12:00 64 Finding Places in the Former Russian Empire/ Kahlile B. Mehr
Sun 11:00-12:00 65 German Jurisdictions: Understanding the Who, Where, and What of German Records/ Adele Maurine Marcum
Sun 11:00-12:00

66 Detroit Burton Collection/ David Poremba