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Past Conference - 2005 Saint Paul

Four Points by Sheraton
400 North Hamline Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
August 19th - 21st 2005

Co-sponsored by the Germanic Genealogy Society and the Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe

Friday, August 19 sessions

Session I 8:30-9:30
Dee Semon - Extending Research into East European States

Session II 9:45-10:45
Duncan Gardiner - Austria-Hungary: A Primer for Genealogists
Paul Sternberg - Brick Wall Ideas and Family Book Ideas
Joe Amato - New Approaches to Local and Regional Histories
Zella Mirick - Getting the Most Out of Meyers Orts - und Verkehrslexikon
Thomas Edlund - Imperial Russian Research
Joanne Sher - Beginning Jewish Research

Session III 11:00-12:00
Lois Edwards - Beginning Germanic Genealogy
Lisa Alzo - Write Your Family History Step by Step
Thomas Edlund - Slavic Record Resources
Dee Semon - I Still Can't Find My Place Name: How to Find Your Homeland Place in US Sources
Kathleen LaBudie-Szakall - Polish Research
Irmgard Hein-Ellingson- Volhynian German Genealogy

Lunch 12:00 - 1:15 (included in registration)

Session IV 1:30-2:30
Tour:Del Thomas - Top 10 Resources for German Genealogy at GGS Library
Paul; Sternberg - Travelogue: Pomerania, Kashubia, West Prussia, Poland
Lisa Alzo - Developing an Online Genealogical Resource Group
John Radzilowski - The History of Polish Fraternal Organizations
Dick Benert - 1915 Deportations of Volhynian Germans to the East
Joanne Sher - Ethnic Composition of NE Minn. and NW Wisc.

Session V 2:45-3:45
Dave Obee - Maps and Atlases
Earl Schultz - Old Records Tell Stories
Kathleen LaBudie-Szakall - Finding Your Polish Ancestors
DuncanGardiner - Czech, Slovak Genealogical Research
Robert Paulson - German and Bohemian Immigration to North America
Matthew Bielawa - Introduction to the Cyrillic Alphabet (part 1)
Tour: Germanic Collection at Concordia College

Session VI 4:00-5:00
Lois Edwards - German Emigration and Immigration
Pat Lowe - Family History Center Resources
Frank Soural - 19th Century Travel in Czech and Slovak Lands
Linda Therkelson - German Bohemian Immigration from Southern Bohemia to St. Paul, Minn.
Ed Brandt - Mennonites and Volhynian Germans: A Comparison of Roots, Migrations, and Settlements - With Emphasis on Manitoba
Matthew Bielawa - Reading and Interpreting Cyrillic Documents (part 2)

FEEFHS Banquet 6:00
Irmgard Hein-Ellingson - Spillville, Iowa, More than a Czech Settlement

Saturday, August 20 sessions

Session I 8:30-9:30
Andrea Hudak-Detloff - Czech-Slovak Origins Based on DNA
Jerry Frank - Gleaning More from Maps
Walter Remiarz - My Story: Exile from Poland
David Suderman - The Russian Revolution Comes to the Mennonite Village of Halbstadt
Irmgard Hein-Ellingson - Galician and Bukovina German Genealogy
John Alleman - Hungarian Genealogy

Session II 9:45-10:45
Larry Jensen - Understanding the Cultural Background on the Area of Research
Lisa Alzo - Crossing the Pond - Tracing your East European Ancestors
Kahlile Mehr - Russian and Ukrainian Archives and Record Types
Karen Varian - Who are the Rusins?
Linda Fournier - Finding Relatives in Belarus 
Tour: Patrick Anzelc of the St. Paul Catholic Archives

Session III 11:00-12:00
Karen Hobbs - LDS Military Records  for Czechs, German-Bohemians, and Slovaks
Marsha Gustad - The Ethnic and Religious Composition of  W. Russian & E. German Empires
David Suderman - Mennonite Landowners in the German Colonies in Russia
Matthew Bielawa - Greek Catholic Genealogy
Raluca Octav - Romanian Immigration to the U.S.

Lunch 12:00 - 1:15 (included in registration)

Session IV 1:30-2:30
Lisa Alzo - Researching Your Slovak Roots in the 21st Century
SGGEE - Annual Meeting
Zella Mirick & Lin Strong - German Patronymic Names
Bob Prokott & Jeanette Bias - Polish Migration from Silesia to Minnesota 
Linda Fournier - My Journey to Ukraine
Tour: Brigid Shields - Minn. Historical Society Library - Open to 4 pm

Session V 2:45-3:45
Irmgard Hein-Ellingson - The Ethnic and Religious Nature of Austria-Hungarian Empire
Frank Soural - A Practical Approach to Reading German Script
Susan Smith - Resources of the Immigration History Research Center 
Kahlile Mehr - Places in the Former Russian Empire
Brian Podoll - Migratory Generations: To and From Posen's Netzeland to the American Midwest
Bill Remus - Y-Chromosome Studies in Men and Genealogy

Session VI 4:00-5:00
Michael Augustin, Dr. Sophie Welisch & Werner Zoglauer - Bukovina German Experience 1919-1955
Karen Hobbs - LDS Records for Czechs, German Bohemians, & Slovaks
Ed Brandt - The History and Fate of the West Slavic Tribes Between the Elbe River and Great Poland Since 940: Assimilation as Germans vs. Retention of Slavic Identity 
Dave Obee - Germans from Russia
Kahlile Mehr - Balkan Research
Greg Kishel - Polish Communities in NE Minnesota

GGS 25th Anniversary Banquet 6:00
Entertainment - Tapestry Dance Group

Sunday, August 21 sessions

Session I 8:30-9:30
Larry Jensen - Effects of Historical Events on German Genealogical Research
Gary Cohen - Understanding the Development of National Identities
Kahlile Mehr - East European Websites
Jan Zaleski - Desperate Strategies for Researching Post-1880 Immigrants
Nathan Murphy - European Origins of Minnesota Immigrants
John Alleman - Finnish Genealogy

Session II 9:45-10:45
Jan Zaleski - Hamburg Has More than Passenger Lists 
Mathew Bielawa - Slavicizing Your Computer
Joe Amato - Relationship of Storytelling to Genealogy and History
Dee Semon - Kashubia
Thomas Edlund - Reading Latin (part 1)
Howard Margol - Traveling and Researching in Lithuania
Session III 11:00-12:00

Larry Jensen - Where to Look When Your Ancestor Isn�t Where he Should be, Including Going Out to Second Ring Parishes
Frank Soural - The Czech Minority in Vienna
Judith Frazin - How to Find 19th Century Polish Records and Unlock Their Secrets
Sonja Nishimoto - Swiss Research
Thomas Edlund - Reading Latin (part 2)
Jan and Jerry Savage - Using the Archives in Greifswald and Stettin (Szczecin)

Lunch 12:00 - 1:15 (on your own)

Session IV 1:45-2:45
Bill Remus - Internet Resources for Northern Poland
Wayne Sisel - The Most Useful Library Resources for Czech Research
Thomas Edlund - German : Die Ahnenstammkartei
Paul Kulas - Use of Genealogical Records to Create a Biography
Terry Kita - Travelogue: Bavaria and Bohemia
Dave Obee - Destination Canada

Session V 4:00-5:00
Ed Brandt - Beyond Vital Registers: Genealogically Valuable Records for Prussia as of 1815
Ann Pelowski - Preserving Kashubian Culture
Paul Makousky - Examining Characteristics of Minnesota's Czech Settlements
Eileen Lund-Johnson - Storage on the Run, Using a Palm/Pocket PC for Genealogy
Kahlile Mehr - Baltic Genealogy
Joel Spector - Russian Encyclopedias as a Source