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Aimee Haynes

Aimee Haynes
Job Title
Genetic genealogist

Aimee Rose-Haynes serves as the associate director and genetic genealogist at DNAngels, a nonprofit organization. Since February 2020, she has volunteered with DNAngels, successfully resolving numerous client cases. In 2023, she assumed the role of a speaker, presenting at various conferences including RootsTech 2024, and appeared on multiple podcasts and YouTube shows. With her unique skill set, Aimee specializes in identifying unknown grandparents/great grandparents, tackling brick wall cases, and confirming or debunking Native American heritage. As an enrolled citizen in the Cherokee Nation, a federally recognized Native American tribe, Aimee is committed to reuniting lost Native cousins with their tribes and aiding them in reconnecting with their cultural heritage.

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