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Michał Petrus

Michał Petrus
Job Title
Polish Citizenship Specialist

In 2014, Michał Petrus graduated from the Faculty of History at the Jagiellonian University (MA). His research interests are the history of religion and religiosity – to which he devoted his bachelor’s and master’s theses, as well as the history of the Early Middle Ages, especially the Mediterranean basin. For almost three years he has been dealing with the issue of confirming Polish citizenship by descent. Thanks to hundreds of analyzed civic matters and continuous work with public offices, he knows many nuances of civil law. He also knows what documents are needed to successfully carry out this procedure. As a result, he was able to confirm Polish citizenship to many descendants of emigrants who today live in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the USA, Argentina and Israel. He tries to constantly expand his knowledge with the latest interpretations, practices and regulations that affect the final decision issued by the Provincial Office. He ran a blog called ‘Peculiar Histories’ devoted to popularizing unknown and unusual stories on the border of the history of dynasties and world history.