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Carolyn Schott

Carolyn Schott
Job Title
Professional Genealogist

Carolyn Schott has researched her German ancestors for more than 20 years, following their wanderings through Eastern Europe before arriving in the U.S. She is a founder of the Black Sea German Research Community, a former board member of the Germans from Russia Heritage
Society (GRHS), and author of the book, “Visiting Your Ancestral Town.” Her writing has received several awards from the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors.
Schott's research has required her to research records in the U.S., Germany, Ukraine, Moldova, and
Poland. The Black Sea German Research Community, which she helped found, is a website dedicated to
helping people with hard-to-find information on their ethnic German ancestors who lived in areas
bordering the Black Sea.
Schott has been speaking on genealogy-related topics since 2007 and has been a regular speaker at the
Germans from Russia Heritage Society, the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
meetings, the International German Genealogy conventions, and genealogy societies in Washington.