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Queen of The Rosary: Roman Catholic Church

© copyright 1996 by ZVA and FEEFHS; all rights reserved

RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND: For most of its history, Zichydorf had a population of about 3000. About 85% to 90% were German Catholics. We also know from an inventory of microfilms for Banat Church Registers in the Library of the Institute for Foreign Relations that Zichydorf parish includes at least three neighboring villages.

Roman Catholic Churches: The filial churches/villages are:

1. Georgshausen (German) ........ Gyorgyhaza (Hungarian) ........ Velika Greda (Serb)

Surname Index: Householders at Zichydorf in 1944

Compiled by Shirley Gibbard

copyright 1997 by Shirley Gibbard, ZVA and FEEFHS; all rights reserved

The information contained in the EINWOHNERZEICHNIS ZICHYDORFS, in der REIHENFOLGE d. HAUSNUMMER (The Zichydorf Householders List in Order of House Number), was collected and compiled by Mr. Georg Basch and is part of the GESCHICHTE der GEMEINDE ZICHYDORF (History of the Community of Zichydorf) by Mr. Johann Achtzehner.

Banat: History of Village Name

© copyright 1996, 1997 by ZVA and FEEFHS; all rights reserved


Rand McNally, Atlas of World History. Cartography by Creative Cartography Limited, Chicago, New York, San Francisco: Rand McNally and Company, 1993, 192 pages.

Magosci, Paul Robert, Historical Atlas of East Central Europe. Cartography by Matthews, Geoffery J., Toronto, Ontario: The University of Toronto Press, 1993, Vol. I, 218 pages.