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Society Of Brethren: Place Names

"Society Of Brethren" "Bruderhof" Place Names in North America and Europe 1997

The "Society of Brothers" (SOB), is a "Bruderhof" group founded in Germany in 1920 by Eberhard Arnold (1883-1935) that was persecuted by the Nazis, moved to Liechtenstein, then England in the late 1930's and spent the World War II years in Paraguay before coming to the United States in the early 1950's.

Lehrerleut Colonies in North America 1973

Hutterite Place Names in North America
65 Lehrerleut Colonies 1973

The place names and country locations given below are from "List of Hutterite Colonies in North America" (pages 364-366, part of Appendix Fifteen) of the book "Hutterite Society" (first edition, 403 pages) by John A. Hostetler, published © copyright 1974 by Johns Hopkins University Press of Baltimore, Maryland; ISBN 0-8018-1584-3.

Dariusleut Colonies in North America 1973

Hutterite Place Names in North America
87 Dariusleut Colonies 1973

The place names and country locations given below are from "List of Hutterite Colonies in North America" (pages 362-364, part of Appendix Fifteen) of the book "Hutterite Society" (first edition, 403 pages) by John A. Hostetler, published © copyright 1974 by Johns Hopkins University Press of Baltimore, Maryland; ISBN 0-8018-1584-3.

Schmiedeleut Colonies in North America 1973

Hutterite Place Names in North America 1973
101 Schmiedeleut Colonies 1973

The place names and country locations given below are from "List of Hutterite Colonies in North America" (pages 359-362, part of Appendix Fifteen) of the book "Hutterite Society" (first edition, 403 pages) by John A. Hostetler, published © copyright 1974 by Johns Hopkins University Press of Baltimore, Maryland; ISBN 0-8018-1584-3.

Hutterite Place Names with German Equivalents

From "The Chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren - I"
Appendix #3 (Pages 811-813)
ISBN 0-87486-021-0
© Copyright 1987 Plough Publishing House of the Bruderhof Foundation, Farmington PA 15437

FEEFHS thanks the Plough Publishing House for permission to reprint this page "v" of the "Contents" and others selected portions of The Chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren - I, as translated and edited by the Bruderhof.

Hutterite Localities in Europe

By Evan Eichler, Ph.D.

© copyright 1997 by Evan Eichler, all rights reserved

Locality Descriptions: Residences of Hutterite families in Europe.

Alternate (in brackets) and current names of villages are indicated, whereever possible.

Alwinz, Siebenbuergen, Transylvania....Vintul de jos (Alvinc), Romania

Ciogirla, Wallachia, Romania

Deutschkreuz, Siebenbuergen, Transylvania....Szaszkeresztur (Crit), Romania

Hutterite Bibliography

By Evan Eichler, Ph.D.

© copyright 1997 Evan Eichler, all rights reserved

A) Books
Buchinger, Erich. "Die Landler in Siebenbuergen. Vorgeschichte, Durchfuehrung und Ergebnis einer Zwangsumsiedlung in 18. Jahrhundert." Band 31 der Buechreihe der Suedostdeutschen Historischen Kommission, Muenchen, 1980