Angela Sinickas

With four grandparents born in different parts of Lithuania and baptized in two different religions, Angela has learned a great deal about resources availabl
Taieno K. Cook

Taieno received a bachelor’s degree in Family History and Genealogy from Brigham Young University where she also studied Russian.
Valentina Nagy

Valentina Nagy is a professional genealogist based in Budapest, Hungary.
Camille Andrus

Camille, a Wisconsin native, earned a BA in Family History/Genealogy and a minor in German from Brigham Young University.
Greg Nelson

Greg Nelson is the Content Strategy specialist for East Europe/Europe at FamilySearch.
Fritz Juengling

Fritz Juengling, Ph.D., AG, earned a BA in Secondary Education and a BA in International Studies German Emphasis, graduating with&
Daniel R. Jones

Daniel R. Jones, AG, is an accredited genealogist specializing in Germanic and Slavic research.
Dave Obee

Dave Obee holds an honorary doctor of laws degree awarded by the University of Victoria, British Columbia, in recognition of his work as a journalist, histor
Joanne M. Sher

Joanne M.
Joe Everett

Joseph B. Everett, MLS, AG is the Family History, Local History, and Microforms Librarian at the Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library.