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Conference registration is open! Register Now

FEEFHS 2023 Conference Overview

Conference table in hotel lobbyRegistration is now open for the FEEFHS 2023 Annual Conference, Tuesday, August 1 to Friday, August 4.

See the list of classes for in-person and online attendees.

The conference will include in-person classes held exclusively in Salt Lake City and online content with live classes over Zoom and pre-recorded classes. Tuesday, Aug 1 is reserved for in-person workshops, with the main conference, both in-person and online, will be Wednesday, August 2 to Friday, August 4.

Ready to register for the 2023 conference?

Those who travel to Salt Lake City will have the opportunity to attend workshops, the banquet with keynote speaker, receive a personal consultation, and attend exclusive classes not offered online, in addition to all the online content. Online attendees can view live classes over Zoom and pre-recorded classes. Live classes broadcast via Zoom will also be recorded for both in-person and online attendees to view through the remainder of the year along with the pre-recorded classes. Exclusive in-person classes will not be recorded.

The registration price, which does not include workshops, is $200 for both in-person and online options. This gives you access to dozens of classes, covering eastern and central Europe from Russia to Germany, and south into the former Austro-Hungarian empire. Workshops are available for in-person attendees for a low additional cost.

If you choose to come to Salt Lake City, the conference will be held at the Plaza Hotel which is right next door to the world’s largest genealogical library. It is recommended to book your stay at the Plaza Hotel to take advantage of the discounted pricing for conference attendees.

We hope to see you at the 2023 conference, either online or in person in Salt Lake City!