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Classes that are available to online conference attendees

These classes are also available to attendees who travel to SLC for the conference.

There will be a live track and pre-recorded classes that will be available at the start of the conference.


Live track from Salt Lake City (Virtual Livestream via Zoom)

Plenary session / Welcome

The Family History Guide (keynote speaker: James Tanner)


Polish track (class descriptions)

Notarial Records in Poland [Including Partitions] (Tadeusz Pilat)

Military Conscription in the Kingdom of Poland [Russian Partition] (Tadeusz Pilat)

Five Secrets to Successful Research in Poland (Agnieszka Maja Mizgalska & Beth Whitson)

Economic Migration from the Second Polish Republic (1918-1939): Gdynia, Gdansk, & Beyond (Michał Petrus)


Russian empire / USSR track (class descriptions)

Estonia and Latvia Research (Greg Nelson)


Austro-Hungarian track (class descriptions)

The Gen-Team Gazetteer: A Shortcut to Church Records [in Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, and Slovenia] (Charlotte Champenois)

Locating Czechia Church Records (Charlotte Champenois)

Galicia, Austrian Empire to Poland to Ukraine: Using Resources to Identify Families & Places (Janette Silverman)

Understanding parish and civil registers, censuses, and name list's entries: A practical presentation (Dorottya Szabo)


German track (class descriptions)

Archion and Matricula (Jilline Maynes)

ABC ... 123 ... EWZ! Diving into Using EWZ Records for Your Research (Carolyn Schott)

From Church Archives to KGB Archives (Carolyn Schott)

Deciphering German-Language Church Records (Charlotte Champenois)

"Holendry": Dutch (or German?) settlement in Poland (Kinga Urbanska)

Overcoming Translated Given Names (Charlotte Champenois)


Jewish track (class descriptions)

Ancestors from Romania (Janette Silverman)


General / Resources track (class descriptions)

The Early 20th Century Experience of Polish Immigrants in Schenectady, New York (Craig Siulinski)

It Takes A Village (Edie Adam)

Unearthing Your Ancestor's Stories in Historical Newspapers (Daniel Horowitz)

Research Like a Pro: Think as a Local or How to Research Your Ancestors Online/Onsite in Eastern Europe (Alina Khuda)

How to Work with Archives and Libraries in Eastern Europe: Overview of Sources, Access to Data, Data Protection Laws, and other Limitations (Alina Khuda)

East European Sources on FamilySearch (James Tanner)

East European Sources on (James Tanner)

Update on Acquisitions in Ukraine (Sasha Sichkarenko)

FamilySearch Acquisitions in Eastern Europe (Greg Nelson)




Pre-recorded classes (on demand through the FEEFHS website)

Germans from Russia track (class descriptions)

Time Travel Using Historical Maps (Sandy Schilling Payne)

The Germans from Russia Settlement Locations Project (Sandy Schilling Payne))


Austro-Hungarian track (class descriptions)

Decoding Hungarian personal and place names:  An introductory presentation (Dorottya Szabó)

"Die Donauschwaben" (The Danube Swabians): A brief introduction to the German minority in Hungary (Dorottya Szabó)

Topotheques in Hungary (Erika Garami)


German track (class descriptions)

Searching for Your Elusive Prussian Ancestors (Stephen Wendt)

Expanding Your Prussian Search: Beyond Church Records (Stephen Wendt)

Making Sense of the ‘Old Lutherans’ & Their Migration Patterns (Stephen Wendt)

Online German-Language Newspapers (Jilline Maynes)

Compiled Town Genealogies and Parish Register Indexes (Baerbel Johnson)

German Archives- Full of hidden treasures! (Baerbel Johnson)

German Phonics and Spelling for the Genealogist (Baerbel Johnson)

Arolsen Archives (Annette Unrau)


Jewish track (class descriptions)

The Fluidity of Names (Susan Weinberg)

Jews in the Duchy of Courland, now Latvia (Janette Silverman)


General / Resources track (class descriptions)

Genealogy In Your Pocket: Using MyHeritage Mobile App (Daniel Horowitz)

MyHeritage Photo Features (Daniel Horowitz)

Don't Trust Everything You Find on the Internet (Banai L. Feldstein)

Search as an Art (Banai L. Feldstein)

Research Like a Pro: Ukraine, Moldova, Romania (Alina Khuda)


DNA track (class descriptions)

DNA Strategies for Extending Your Family Tree (Julie Stoddard)